

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

I've never spoken of putting Indians in oven, retard wala. You've been the only
Replying to: You're expanding the list of lies you're telling, racist -- Tay Post ReplyForum

Canis Majoris

01/12/2023, 15:03:43

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one yapping about ovens, Goebbels, KKK, and other retardedly (but simultaneously hilariously) nonsensical drivel.

This happens to be a military forum, and I asked you straight up whether you had any idea if Japan manufactured military turbofans or if Tejas was generation 3+ or 3++, and your responses showed you to be a true ignoramus of the highest order. You had no answers except garbage. Anybody reading this thread can tell by now that you are a manchild with a child's temperament and a child's ignorance. You belong here like a chaiwala belongs in a 3-star Michelin restaurant. ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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