

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

You still having doubts about offing yourself?
Replying to: This is what you're reduced to now, hinduwadi low? I mean you already set a -- Canis Majoris Post ReplyForum


01/15/2023, 04:53:26

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I can understand that.  Given that you're a drop out and a complete loser who lives in your mom's hooker shack.  I know it's hard for you and you turned to Nazism.  You said you had great prediction powers, like the ability to predict what someone said hours after they told you.  I said you killed yourself, so you're free to make that prediction come true as well.  What's the alternative, begging for a living, living on welfare, sleepig in a closet while your mom gets her boots knocked in the next room by some John?  There's a way out.  Take it.

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