

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Don't lie, little loser, you are all but SCREAMING for me to leave you alone.
Replying to: You just can't stop lying, can you Goebbels? -- Tay Post ReplyForum

Canis Majoris

01/15/2023, 11:25:06

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You keep begging for me to off myself which is clearly a manifestation of your desperate subconscious desire to be rid of me tormenting and bitchslapping you over and over and over. And over. LOL

You haven't been able to win on facts, logic, sh1ttalking, or even gaslighting, so the next best thing is to stupidly and repeatedly demand that I commit suicide, as if a rando moron on the internet could ever stand a chance of being able to convince anyone else to do anything. You literally have no legit material. You can't sh1ttalk for sh1t. You tried and failed with Japanese dicks. You tried and failed with ovens. You tried and failed with gaslighting me about putting Indians into ovens. And now you're trying and failing hard with your "go commit suicide you mean person!" schtick. Awww, wittle man, are you still butthurt from me a$$raping you repeatedly in this thread? Would you like a cookie? How about a back massage? Or how about I keep kicking you in the face over and over for my personal amusement? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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