

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Tell me some more about how much I hate Mickey Mouse, hinduwadi low.
Replying to: Naw, it's all good, Goebbels, you're so incompetent you're no threat to me -- Tay Post ReplyForum

Canis Majoris

01/14/2023, 10:45:01

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And how I should kill myself because of it. It's music to my ears.

BTW me pointing out that you're a hinduwadi chaiwala is not even an "attack" it's simply me pointing out what you are. Also pointing out that you have a low IQ, are immature, and have no sense of intellectual honesty are all just me pointing out the facts. None of these are insults. Even calling you a little runt bitch is not actually an insult, it's just what you are. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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