

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

I know you would love to be rid of me, hinduwadi low, but it aint' gonna happen.
Replying to: Still parroting me, eh Goebbels? -- Tay Post ReplyForum

Canis Majoris

01/14/2023, 10:12:57

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Unlike you I am not a self-hating intellectually dishonest quarterwit.

But I really do love how you have now expanded my hatred to "everyone but Han Chinese". How much more epic can my (alleged) hatred get I wonder ROFLMAO I mean if you've already been talking about my alleged Nazism, Goebbelism, ovenism, Southern KKKism, there isn't much left except to go all the way and start claiming that I hate every last person on the planet. I mean that's your next move, isn't it? According to your retarded ass I'm pretty soon going to be hating on all people, even Chinese, even myself, my parents, Jesus, Buddha, and Mickey Mouse, right?
Can't win on knowledge, can't win on facts, can't even win trying to gaslight, so what do you do? Dicks, ovens, and hatred for Mickey Mouse. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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