Uh-oh, this is not good for pinoy and japs - swoosh 09-04 19:37 | 2753 bytes | link +33 Rate
- Trump is just a big mouth who has no clue what he should do as President. - nmd 09-05 10:25 | 69 bytes | +1 Rate
Trump is a lot smarter than many people think he is - UttarBalderdeshi 09-05 15:02 | 44 bytes | +2 Rate
- I wouldn't trust the poll that much. - nmd 09-05 16:33 | 296 bytes | +1 Rate
- You don't make that much money by being dumb - Chenese 09-05 23:20 | 335 bytes | +1 Rate
- I do agree with you. - nmd 09-06 05:54 | 234 bytes | +1 Rate
Ive noticed ur superficiality.Do u know massive immigration depress wage? - Mao Clone 09-06 16:42 | 145 bytes | link +1 Rate
Are you on drug again? When and where have I advocated massive immigration? - nmd 09-07 05:11 | 44 bytes | +1 Rate
Ur attempt2cover up ur stupidity has failed.I said Trump tunes to anti-immigrant - Mao Clone 09-07 06:33 | 255 bytes | +1 Rate
- You are so fvcked up that it's a waste of time to even read your posts. - nmd 09-07 08:31 | 149 bytes | +1 Rate
The more u babble,the more pychological vulnerable u show to CMFers.Im delighted - Mao Clone 09-07 14:16 | 59 bytes | +1 Rate
Hahaha . . . this coming from a drug addict and a Commie Internet Agent! - nmd 09-07 15:32 | 84 bytes | +1 Rate
Drug addict?Commie?Ur poor rhetorical/language ability brings shame to CMF - Mao Clone 09-07 17:39 | 82 bytes | +17 Rate
- You are right, correction: An unemployed drug addict and an unemployed - nmd 09-08 05:09 | 253 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | Rate
- U r right, correction: An unemployed drug addict [no text] - nmd 09-08 05:02 | 0 bytes | +1 Rate
Ben Carson is now neck and neck with Trump in Iowa, the 1st state to vote. - Canis Majoris 09-05 15:59 | 450 bytes | +2 Rate