09/24/2015, 19:53:53
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First preview! All4shooters.com tested the SDM SMG9 − a super-interesting semiautomatic sub-carbine distributed exclusively by Prima Armi of Italy
Pierangelo Tendas
The production-grade variant of the CS/LS5 sub-machine gun was first introduced at the 2012 edition of the CIPATE – the “China (Beijing) International Exhibition and Symposium on Police Equipment and Anti Terrorism Technology and Equipment” held yearly in the capitol of the People's Republic of China.
Its early prototype had been already showcased at the 2009 edition of the same exhibition as an attempt to create a “Sub-machine gun for Police” that would constitute a counterpart to the well known Heckler & Koch MP5 for the Chinese military and law enforcement community as well as to those Countries – mostly in Africa and in south-east Asia – that purchase the bulk of their armaments from the Chinese arms industry.
The CS/LS5 is manufactured by Chongqing Jianshe Industry Co., Ltd., a private-owned company whose military-oriented products are distributed globally by the State-owned Norinco group; however, a semiautomatic, sporting-oriented variant of the CS/LS5 sub-machine gun, dubbed the SMG9, is also manufactured in China by the SDM - Sino Defense Manufacturing brand and imported exclusively in Europe by the Italy based Prima Armi S.r.l. company.
The SMG9 can be described in many ways – as a “mini-Rifle”, to use the IPSC terms; as a “short-barrel rifle”, as it would be considered under the American laws; as a semiautomatic small-sized carbine; or as a pistol, as it would be classified by many European laws due to its barrel length vs. overall length. It is manufactured originally in a classic 9mm Luger chambering (a.k.a. 9x19mm “Parabellum”), but a rechambered 9x21mm IMI variant will be distributed in Italy, where the use of 9mm Luger ammunition is forbidden on civilian-grade handguns.
Full-scale distribution of the SMG9 is stated to start sometimes in early 2016 in Italy, with other European Countries coming shortly afterwards, but a handful of samples have already been imported by the Prima Armi company for testing and proofing – some of which have been later sold to some lucky collectors. As of today, Italy is the world's only Country where the SDM SMG9 short-barrel rifle is available, and all4shooters.com has been able to secure a test sample for a global premiere!
A look to the inside
At a first glance, the SDM SMG9 is an appealing and yet odd design to behold – half curvy and modern, half boxy and edgy due to the use of stamped steel for the upper receiver in contrast to the use of reinforced polymer for the lower receiver, the folding stock, and the two-parts handguard.
A simple takedown pin, located at the rear end of the upper receiver, keeps the two assemblies together, allowing easy field-stripping once removed. The disassembly would then proceed by removing the return spring from the rear portion of the upper receiver, then by removing the bolt assembly – whose outline closely resembles that of an AK/AKM bolt and bolt carrier group – and finally by removing a second takedown pin that keeps together the two halves of the polymer handguard.
Upon complete takedown, it's clear how, despite a certain degree of aesthetic similarity with the Heckler & Koch MP5, the SDM SMG9 is not a roller-delayed blowback design but a much more unique (for an SMG, that is) gas-operated system. The cocking handle is connected to a small nut that runs within the upper half of the handguard; the front sight base sports a notch with two locking springs that dubs as the gas port, and that's where gas pressure is transmitted to the front tube of the bolt assembly through the cocking handle nut. The gas system on the SMG9 doesn't seem to be adjustable; the CS/LS5 sub-machine gun has instead been upgraded lately with an adjustable gas system allowing the use of sound moderators or riot ammunition launchers.
Much like the MP5, the SDM SMG9 sports no hold-open device. The cocking handle guide slot on the upper half of the handguard of the SDM SMG9 is however pretty much akin to that of the Heckler & Koch MP5 – a feature meant to make the CS/LS5 sub-machine gun easy to familiarize with for those operators who are already used with the German SMG – so that it can be locked open if necessary by pulling it all the way back and then tilting it up in the proper cut.
The reinforced polymer lower receiver hosts the trigger group, the magazine well, and the rest of the controls: a two positions safety switch on the left side, located just above the pistol grip, and two different magazine release systems: a standard button located in a fenced round hollow seat on the left side, to be operated with the left thumb while holding the magazine; and a much more tactical-styled flat lever located just in front of the trigger guard, on the right side, to be activated with the right index finger.
Of course the standard button could also be operated with the left index finger and the tactical flat lever could be operated with the right thumb, making this configuration left-handed shooter capable right out of the box