Re: As usual it is about Mandate of the people.
Replying to: As usual it is about Mandate of the people. -- sinbad Post ReplyForum


08/20/2020, 19:38:45

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I agree with the winnie pooh ban, that is overreaction. I also agree about forcing corporations to have CCP members on board of directors is unneccesary.

But I disagree to say that Xi was not instrumental in moving China out of poverty. I strongly supported his program to alleviate the poverty, which in my opinion is necessary if China want to maintain social stability and not end up like US today. It might not be efficient from economics perspective, but it is a small price to pay for maintaining social stability and improving quality of life for all Chinese.


As for foreign relation, I think you underestimate Xi too much. Sure the west, especially the US screwed up a lot, but that isn't the only reason why countries are dealing with China. Xi managed to get most countries on board with OBOR and AIIB, and pretty soon RCEP will be realized too. As for deterioting relationship with the west, I think it can't be help. With China's rise, it bound to happen. The same with South China sea, Diaoyu, and Taiwan. Tension will rise despite who Chinese president is. The question is how to manage it well, and so far Xi did well in my opinion. The fact that the west don't like it, actually proved that Xi did well on that front. The west preferred a Chinese gov that will back down from defending Chinese national interest, well they didn't get it from Xi.

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