Dubbed "052DM" by Pop3. Next batch of 052D after the 052DL, feature new rotating radar at the mast, among other changes. Not sure if it's a PAR.

Five "052DM" under construction in Dalian shipyard. Initially two started construction in Dalian, then followed by additional three, numbered 3, 4, 5. Progress can be seen between Jul and Aug.

In Mar, there's only two hull under construction.

The first section of "052DM" in Jiangnan shipyard. Two more are in the construction factory behind it. Together with Dalian shipyard, total of eight ships in the new batch is confirmed. The current batch is believed to be 12 ships. However some said Jiangnan will continue construction of new 055, while other more recent words are the new batch of 055 is said to have postponed, so the number of 052D may increase.

Five 052DL fitting in Dalian shipyard, not sure dated when, but apparently not recent. But we can expect to see this again in a year or two.

Last of current batch 052DL has been commissioned on Aug 10, penant 157 Lishui. By this time, 25 ships of 052D/L has entered service. All 25 052D are basically constructed in the last decade, considering that two 052C were still being launched in 2012, and that the first 052D entered service in 2014, so all 25 052D entered service within 8 years.

Experiment ship 852 testing new VLS. Not sure if this is for the new "052DM" or 054B, or both.

054A fourth batch
First ship of the fourth batch 054A penant 522 about to enter service.

Additional 054A of the fourth batch under fitting.

A 054A from the fourth batch in sea trial.

Small PAR onboard new batch of 054A, replacing the MR-90 HQ-16 illuminator.

Fourth batch of 054A before installing with the small PAR.

Possible 054B depicted on a memorial coin. The fourth batch of 054A supposedly to consist of 20 ships. Words are the number has been reduced to 12, in favour of constructing 054B. They said the two sided rotating PAR onboard 054B, and possibly new general purpose VLS, I hope, qualified it as an area defence ship.

003 Fujian
003 as of Aug 8. EMAL catapult still under construction.

Close up view from the side.

No much new developement on 003. Light up.

003 has began installing PAR.