

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Addendum update on SSN
Replying to: PLAN update Aug 2022 -- motif Post ReplyForum


08/25/2022, 02:15:46

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It's really rare to hear anything from Huludao. Words are there're a new batch of 8 SSN being built in the Huludao island. The first boat has been launched in May, the second boat is almost ready. The new submarine featuring VLS, shrouded propulsion, integrated electric propulsion. Accordingly it's a 093B that partially used new generation technology from 095. Next batch will then be 095 with new generation reactor and large size VLS. So, it's kind of like transiting from 052B to 052C, then 052D will come next. One more thing, PLAN plan to build large number of SSN/SSBN in coming decade, LOL, like they build 052D? I hope so. If so, PLAN seem satisfied with the performance of the new class.

An interesting revelation is it may have 18 VLS instead of 12, with 6 row of three tubes.

094B, perhaps JL-3?

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