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分享 二十四谬误之一:稻草人
MingHao 2016-2-6 12:22
strawman You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack. By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present your own position as being reasonable, but this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rationaldebate. Example: After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenceless by cutting military spending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Tgt0iXAKJA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGZkCPo7tC0 https://youtu.be/v5vzCmURh7o
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分享 徐律师说被告律师只值250
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-3-15 15:51
上次我写了篇《 普法:FRCP 37(d) 惩罚条例浅析 》,帮大家解读了一个条款 the court must require the party failing to act, the attorney advising that party, or both to pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, caused by the failure 这个条款是说,法庭可以要求未能参加取证的诉讼方及其律师支付由其非作为造成的合理的费用(包括律师费),关键是上面的我特意加粗的部分。我还举例说,【 假如一律师为了准备证词录取花了1000小时(如查阅证据、资料、法律、制定讯问策略、设计质询问题等),兴冲冲地跑去约好的地点,结果对方没来,这个1000小时的费用是否由对方没来造成的呢? 答案显然是:NO。】 后来听说,桑兰案被告方开出一张好几万美金的账单,其中被告律师莫虎收费每小时1000美金,折扣价600。 现在原告的徐律师回应了,我也没有细看。但粗看下主要有三点: 1)被告索要的费用大部分不是由原告未能参加取证造成的,也就是不满足上面提到的那个”caused by"的限制; 2)被告律师莫虎值不了1000元/小时,也值不了600,合理价格应该是250; 3)被告账单不清楚。 最后原告认为合理赔偿是 160美金。
个人分类: 法律|8371 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 麦克阿瑟曾建议扔26颗原子弹
热度 1 岳东晓 2012-8-24 16:47
朝鲜战争常见问题解答31-33 The Korean War FAQ Copyright(c) , Dongxiao Yue, 1998, All rights reserved. 31 . What did Mao say about US after the Korean war? "American imperialists are very arrogant, they are very unreasonable whenever they can get away with it. If they became a little bit reasonable, it was because they had no other choice." 32 . Did US consider the use the A-Bomb in Korea? US generals actively considered the use of Atomic Bombs from the very beginning, even before China intervened. US presidents considered the use of the A-Bombs after PVA entered. On June 1950, Eisenhower met with Collins, Haislip, Ridgway, Ike suggested use of two atomic bombs in the Korea area. In July 1950, MacArthur suggested plan to use atomic bombs to 'isolate the battle fields". On November 30 1950, President Truman said in a press conference: "There had always been active consideration of its use...". On December 24 1950, MacArthur submitted a list of 'retaliation targets' in China and North Korea, requiring 26 atomic bombs. In January 1953, US tested its first tactical nuclear weapon, and the JCS considered its use "against military targets affecting operations in Korea."' In February 1953, in a NSC meeting, President Eisenhower suggested the Kaesong area of North Korea as an appropriate demonstration ground for a tactical nuclear bomb--it "provided a good target for this type of weapon". On May 19 1953, the Joint Chiefs recommended direct air and naval operations against China, including the use of nuclear weapons. The National Security Council endorsed the JCS recommendation the next day. Dulles, the Secretary of State was visiting India and told Nehru to deliver a message to Zhou Enlai: if peace was not speedily attained, the United States would begin to bomb north of Yalu, and US had recently tested atomic shells. 33 . As a side question, did US threaten China with nukes after the Korean war? Yes. US threatened China with nuclear weapons again in 1959. From recently declassified documents, President Kennedy considered using nukes to bomb Chinese nuclear facilities in early 1960s , when China was on the verge of exploding its own bomb, but JFK was assassinated and the plan was dropped by President Johnson. Facing nuclear threat, Chairman Mao said:"we need to have some atomic bombs too". In 1964, China exploded its first A-Bomb. 30 months later, in 1967, it exploded its first H-Bomb. Since then, China has developed a variety of strategic and tactical weapons. China also produced missiles of various ranges, initially targeting US bases at Japan and Philippines, and eventually the North America continent. Mao also said:"We must have nuclear submarines even if this would take us ten thousand years". China tested its nuclear subs in early 1970s and tested SLBMs later. The exact size of PLA nuclear stockpile is unknown, but reasonable estimate put it in the range of 2000-4000 warheads. In March 1996, PLA conducted an exercise in the Taiwan Straits, President Clinton sent two carriers to the straits. PLA responded by dispatching its nuclear attack submarines and the US fleet stayed 300 nautical miles off Taiwan. In the meantime, PLA SAF (Secondary Artillery Force) conducted exercise to retaliate against enemy strategic strikes. PLA Vice Chief of Staff, Gen. Xiong Guangkai reportedly hinted that US cares more about LA than Taiwan.
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