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分享 【八一征文】蓝天姐的日志:看奥运 想起在市少年业余体校训练的日子 ... ...
热度 10 霜天红叶 2012-8-6 20:28
【八一征文】蓝天姐的日志:看奥运 想起在市少年业余体校训练的日子 看 2012 年伦敦奥运,当孙扬,叶诗文,焦刘洋等以打破世界和奥运纪录站在了一直为欧美国家所垄断奖牌的泳坛奖牌榜的榜首之中时,当吴敏霞以无与伦比的完美跳水动作登上世界跳水顶峰的一刻,当五金王邹凯,创造历史,成为中国奥运史上第一人的瞬间,世界震撼了,我们感动了。他 / 她们和其他的中国奥运军团体育健儿就象灿烂的焰火 , 燃烧着自己 , 倾泻出瞬间的辉煌 , 创造了中华民族体育文化史的新的巅峰 , 留下了永恒的光辉 . 而他们的艰辛付出 , 一般人是体会不到的 , 所谓 " 场上一秒钟 , 场下十年功 ". 这让我想起了很久以前 , 我在市少年业余体校训练的日子 . 本来事隔很久 , 早已忘却 . 不料 , 看了一些西方媒体和一些职业反中者对他们的抹黑 , 勾起了我对那一段日子点点滴滴的回忆 . 刚进初中 , 就与同班的二位同学 , 一起参加了校乒乓球队和体操队的活动 . 不久 , 我们三人被学校选送到市少年业余体校去训练 . 学校也只有这三个名额 , 我们三人同年同月生 , 同住一个院 , 从幼儿园开始就在一起玩 . 其中一位 , 还是我多年的同桌 . 那一年去体校时 , 我们刚过十二岁生日 . 进了体校 , 平时 , 每周训练三个下午 , 一个下午好象是二个小时的训练课 . 到了训练时间的日子 , 下午上完二节课 , 我们三人就拿了体操鞋和体操服 , 小跑步到体校 . 然后 , 就开始训练课了 . 在运动场 , 在体操房 , 每一次的训练 , 我们的运动量都很大 , 每一次的训练 , 我们的体力消耗也很多 . 每一次的训练 , 我们都是挥汗如雨 , 汗流浃背 ... 训练结束时,天已经黑了,第二天还要早起去上学。平时 , 我们一起跑步上学 . 放学时 , 在回家的路上 , 我们把人行道当作平衡木 , 跑跳翻滚 , 也是乐在其中 . 当然 , 那时我们居住的古城 , 街上没有很多人 . 到了寒假和暑假 , 就是住校集训的时间 , 全年约一个多月的时间 . 自己交伙食费 , 体校发一些伙食津贴 . 少年女子体操班约二十多人 , 住一间大房间 . 宿舍在体育场的附近 , 听说体育场在解放前是刑场 , 夜里 , 有时会听到一些奇怪的声音 . 虽然这么多人住一间房 , 晚上还是有点害怕 . 训练时间要求很严格 , 连上街都要请假 , 再说 , 也没时间外出 , 周日休息可回家 . 我们清晨起床 , 晨间跑步至少 1000 公尺 , 当然,有时间多,还可以去打篮球和打乒乓球,练耐力和体力 . 早餐后 , 就开始正式训练 . 练基本技能 , 练基本动作 . 然后 , 练难度动作 , 练各个项目的全套动作 . 由易入难 , 翻滚跑跳蹦 , 一个难度动作 , 一遍一遍的练 ; 一套规定动作 , 成天成天的练 . 多少次的摔跌 , 已经记不清了 , 也不知道流了多少汗 , 也不知道身上有多少伤 ... 在集训期间的午睡后是自由练习,也可以是自由活动 , 晚上是夜自习时间 , 可以看书 , 写日记等 . 我写日记的习惯 , 就是从那时养成的 . 记得有一天下午 , 我们三人未请假 , 就出去看电影 . 回来后 , 教练找我们谈话 , 还要写书面检查 . 生平没写过检查 , 很紧张 . 由我执笔 , 一式三份 , 各人签名 , 交给教练 , 才算了事 . 当时心里很烦闷 , 把此事记在日记里 , 心情就好多了 , 我才发现记日记还可以抒发情绪 . (呵呵!现在可以写博客日志了,那时候还没有电脑和互联网)。后来 , 我的许多本日记和我得到的运动会比赛的奖章 , 以及等级运动员和等级裁判员的证章都在以后的不断搬家时丢掉了。 . 我以为这些往事也已随风而逝 , 那知道 , 这次看奥运,中国奥运军团如此出色的表现,甚至创造了世界体坛的历史,但还是招来了那些酸葡萄者的指手画脚,无理指责,噪声不断,才发现这些记忆并不如烟 , 仍沉淀在心的底层 . 经过二年多的市少年业余体校的训练 , 我们已能完成相当于省体操队难度的少年级一组标准动作 , 为学校赢得了荣誉,以后也多次赢得了市和学校体育比赛的奖牌,虽然,后来,业余体校希望我们转体校,成为专业运动员,但是我们三人都没有选择走这条路,(以后,我们三人都考上了不同地区的医学院校),但是在训练中潜移默化养成的性格 , 让我因此能直视今后人生道路上的坎坷 , 也让我坦然面对今后生活中的各种伤痛 , 身体的 , 心灵的 . 那时候 , 我们才十二 , 三岁 . 我快乐的无忧无虑的少年时代 , 却又有点沉重的少年时代 .
个人分类: 流水日记|14269 次阅读|16 个评论
分享 在美同学说得很对,哈哈哈...“一氧化二氢”
热度 9 ww_719 2012-8-5 04:28
【叶诗文服用“一氧化二氢”引争议 没文化真可怕】“教练终于承认,曾给叶诗文服用一种叫做一氧化二氢的液体,来为叶诗文补充能量。”此微博一出,众网友立即指责中国游泳队,甚至有教授表示,此事若真,这样的民族很难进步。事实上一氧化二氢就是水,即便不知道水的分子式,也该搞清楚再评论也不迟。
12579 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 “鸦片战争是中国卖鸦片给英国导致的” 西方很多人竟然是这样认为的! ...
热度 4 中西部人 2012-8-5 01:51
海归学者饶毅致信《自然》杂志总编 反击对叶诗文偏见报道 京港台时间:2012/8/5 消息来源:科学网 网友评论 4 条 "http://ox-d.backchina.com/w/1.0/rc?cs=4e920259551fdamp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE" gt;lt;img src="http://ox-d.backchina.com/w/1.0/ai?auid=15128amp;cs=4e920259551fdamp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE" border="0" alt=""gt;lt;/agt;   斐尔,   你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你email的人里面小部分也给我来信。   如果你奇怪《自然》非本质部分一篇报道为何带来这么大的反应,你应该高兴中文读者比世界其他读者更看重你们的新闻报道,与科学相关的(即使关系很小)也可能重于《纽约时报》,中文媒体报道用你们的新闻也远多于一般西方媒体用你们的新闻。   Callaway报道最好也是草率、最差是种族偏见:1)最初的副标题暗示叶可能舞弊; 2)Callaway用了两件事实说明叶惊人地异常,而两件都错了; 3)Callaway没咨询意见不同的专家,导致报道不平衡,低于公平报道的最低标准。所以,Callaway至少不负责任,可能太快就暗示中国运动员容 易舞弊。他肯定没有达到新闻报道的通常标准。   我很高兴看到在我草拟此信的过程中,《自然》可能意识到原副标题的偏见,将之由“成绩追踪记录有助于抓体育舞弊者”更正为“成绩追踪记录有助于驱散疑问”。舞弊的前设改为疑问。   Callaway报道用的两个“事实”让叶诗文看起来比真实的要更“异常”:说她比自己在2012年7月的记录要快7秒,说她在最后五十米比男子冠军Ryan Lochte还要快,而后者是男子第二快的世界纪录。   第一个“事实”错了,第二个误导。1)叶比自己只快5秒,而此前她的记录创于2011年、不是2012年,这位16岁运动员用了一年而不是少于4周刷 新自己。2)叶只在混合泳400米中最后自由泳一段比Lochte快,而非整个400米。Lochte在400米是世界第二快的记录,叶在400米丝毫不 能接近他(慢了二十多秒)。叶只是自由泳最强,而在前300米落后于好些女选手。虽然Lochte在400米很快,他在最后50米的自由泳慢于五、六位男 选手。叶最后五十米自由泳也慢于那些男子。所以,叶只在她自己的强项而他的弱项快于Lochte。如果Callaway多做的功课,他就难以用这些“事 实”来使“问题”醒目。如果Callaway多查询,他就能发现其他游泳运动员也曾在十几岁发育阶段显著提高记录。这些事实更正后,Callaway的报 道就没基础。   还有好些事实,可以让一般读者更理解叶诗文的成绩,我不在此赘述。可以参见《附件1》,wikipedia对叶的成绩有一个相当快而公平的描述。署名 的《自然》报道应该优于Wikipedia。Callaway报道与Wikipedia条目的差别也显示该记者未采访已经公开提出不同意见的专家。   你应该收到了王立铭博士的一封email。他在发表多篇《自然》和《自然神经科学》的第一作者论文后,获加州理工学院的博士,并因此得到有声誉的奖学 金到伯克利加州大学做独立的博士后。万一他给你的email埋在你收到的成百上千邮件中,我将其拷贝为《附件2》。他email给了我、要我看看此事。   Callaway在线报道下面有很多跟帖讨论。有些学生以为有些很有道理(且有实质内容)的讨论被删了,他们寄给了我。我选Lai Jiang的一份为《附件3》,Zhenxi Zhang的为《附件4》。你们可以看到学生和一些更有经历的《自然》读者不高兴是有依据的,而这些为Callaway忽略。   英国人常忘记、而现代华人不易忘记,世界上很多人以为鸦片战争是中国人卖鸦片给英国人。我自己6月份(这确是2012年)又经历一次,我和一位老朋友(麻省理工学院教授)在香港开会时,发现她竟然也是这么认为。   英国人的国际形象好,部分原因是你们的科学和科学家:当全世界中学生都要从教科书学牛顿和达尔文时,英国赢得了世界的尊重。《自然》应该以这些伟大 (且客观)的科学家建立的传统和声誉为自豪。他们其中有些曾在《自然》发表过论文,才有《自然》的今天。你们如果采取措施修复你们的新闻记者造成的损害, 可以加强你们的声誉。   英国人从来没因鸦片战争对我们道歉,即使在1997年离开香港时也未显示丝毫悔意。而香港是英国在鸦片战争后强迫我们割让的土地。所以,记忆是犹新 的,而不仅是1840年代的残余。如果《自然》拒绝承认此报道不公平,可能很难“驱散”英国至上的“疑问”(借用《自然》对叶报道的词汇)。   中国人受形象不佳的牵累。我们也知道我们还有很多感到羞耻的未解决的问题,包括舞弊。越来越多的中国人能接受合理与平衡的批评,我们在伦敦奥运会为我 们羽毛球的问题公开道歉就是证据。但我们对缺依据、有偏见的批评还很敏感。叶诗文不过是个16岁的年轻人,本该为自己职业生涯的成就而满心欢喜。当已知她 通过了奥运会赛前、赛中多次测试,而毫无证据指责她的时候,还有很多媒体,特别是《自然》这样的刊物,渲染负面舆论多于正面,当然令人深感不平。   我希望你们能澄清记录,发表平衡Callaway报道的意见。   北京大学生命科学学院 神经生物学教授 饶毅   附件1 Wikipedia对叶诗文的总结   附件2 伯克利加州大学王立明的email   附件3 Lai Jiang在Callaway报道后的意见   附件 4 Zhenxi Zhang在Callaway报道后的意见   原文(2012年8月4日1:57am发送)   Dear Phil,   You might have been bombarded with emails about Ewen Callaway’s report on the Chinese Olympic gold medalist Ye Shiwen. Over the last 20 hours, I have received emails from a small fraction of those who had emailed you.   If you wonder why a piece in a non-essential section of Nature has brought you so much response, you should be happy to know that Chinese readers place much more weight in Nature news reports than the rest of the world does. If an event is related to science (even tangentially) and Nature publishes a news report, many Chinese readers treat the Nature report more seriously than New York Times. Chinese news media also use Nature news pieces much more than the regular Western news media would.   The Callaway report was sloppy at the best and racially biased at the worst: 1) the original subtitle implied cheating on Ye’s part, setting a negative tone for the report; 2) Callaway presented two facts to establish that Ye was strikingly anomalous, but both “facts” were wrong; 3) Callaway did not check with experts whose opinions did not support the doping explanation, and thus did not provide a balance report that is the minimal standard of fair reporting. Therefore, Callaway is at least irresponsible, and could have jumped too quickly to imply that Chinese athletes were prone to cheating. He has certainly not held onto the usual standard of news reporting.   I am glad that, while I was drafting this letter, Nature may have already noticed the bias in the original subtitle and corrected it by changing it from “Performance profiling could help to catch cheaters in sports” to “Performance profiling could help to dispel doubts”. A presumption of cheating has changed to doubts.   The Callaway report presented two “facts” which made Ye Shiwen seem more “anomalous” than she really was by stating: that she was 7 seconds faster than herself in the same event in July 2012, and that, in the last 50 meters, she was faster than Ryan Lochte, the gold medalist of the same event for men, with the second fastest record.   The first “fact” was wrong, while the second was misleading. 1) Ye was only ~5 seconds faster than her own record in July, 2011, giving the 16 year old a full year rather than less than 4 weeks to improve her own record. 2) Ye was faster than Lochte only in the freestyle, not for the entire 400 meters. Lochte’s time was the second fastest for the entire 400 meters, for which Ye was not even close (she was more than 20 seconds slower than Lochte in 400 meters). Ye was only at her best in freestyle and trailed behind other women in the same event in the first 300 meters of the individual medley. While Lochte was the fastest in 400 meters, he was slower than 5 or 6 men in the last 50 meters of freestyle. Ye was slower than those other men. Thus, Ye was only faster than Lochte in a style that was her strength and his weakness. Had Callaway done a bit more home work, then he would have had a hard time to use these “facts” to highlight the “problem”. Had Callaway done double-checking, he would have found that other swimmers had significantly improved their own records when they were in the teens. Corrections of these facts would have changed the basis for the Callaway report.   There are more facts that would have made the performance of Ye Shiwen more understandable to the general readership, which I will not go into details here. See Attachment 1 for an amazingly quick and well-balanced description of Ye’s performance by Wikipedia. Signed reports in Nature should have been better than Wikipedia. The contrast between the Callaway report and the Wikipedia item shows that the reporter did not interview experts who had publicly voiced different opinions.   You should have received an email from Dr. Liming Wang, who obtained a PhD from Caltech after publishing first author papers in Nature and Nature Neuroscience. He was awarded a prestigious fellowship for an independent postdoc at Berkeley. In case his email has been buried among the hundreds you have received, I am copying it here as Attachment 2. He had sent a copy of his email to me and asked me to look at the issue.   There are many online posts below the Callaway report. Some students think that a few very reasonable (and substantive) posts have been deleted. They have sent these to me and I am including one authored by Lai Jiang as Attachment 3 and another by Zhenxi Zhang as Attachment 4. You can see that the anger of students and more established scientists who read Nature was supported by facts neglected by Callaway.   One point the British often forget, but the modern Chinese do not, is that many in the world wrongly think that the Opium Wars occurred because the Chinese sold opium to the British. I personally experienced this in June (2012) when a long time friend of mine at MIT thought that way while she and I were in Hong Kong attending a meeting.   The British have a good international image, partly because of your science and your scientists: when every middle school student has to know Newton and Darwin in textbooks, the entire Britain wins the respect of the world. Nature should be proud of the tradition and prestige built by the great (and objective) scientists, some of whom have published in Nature to make Nature what it is today. Your prestige will be strengthened when you take steps to repair the damage caused by your news reporters.   The British have never apologized to us about the Opium Wars and did not show slight remorse when leaving Hong Kong in 1997 which the British forced us to cede after the British won the Opium Wars. So the memory is rather fresh, not just lingering from the 1840s. If Nature refuses to admit that this report was not balanced, it will be difficult to “dispel doubts” about British supremacy.   The Chinese suffer from a poor image. We also know that we have many unsolved problems that we are ashamed of, including cheating. More and more Chinese are receptive to legitimate and balanced criticism, as evidenced by our public apology for our faults at the badminton games during the London Olympic. But we are sensitive to ill-founded criticism with apparent biases. Ye Shiwen is only a 16 year old and should have enjoyed her moment of professional achievement. When she is known to have passed multiple tests before and during the London Olympic and there is no evidence to accuse her, it is certainly unjustified when the negative opinions were highly publicized but the positive ones were not, especially in a journal like Nature.   I hope that you will set record straight and publish opinions that balance the Callaway report.   Yi   Yi Rao, Ph.D.   Professor of Neurobiology, Peking University School of Life Sciences   Beijing, China   Attachment 1 Wikipedia summary of the Ye Shiwen performance    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ye_Shiwen   2012 Summer Olympics   At the 2012 Summer Olympics, in the third heat of the Women's 400m Individual Medley she swam 4:31.73, an improvement of 2 seconds over her 2010 Asian Games time. In the final she won the gold medal and broke the world record (held by Stephanie Rice since the 2008 Summer Olympics) with a time of 4:28.43, an improvement of a further 3 seconds, swimming the last 50m in 28.93 seconds.   Ye's time over the final 50m was compared to that of Ryan Lochte, the winner of the corresponding men's event, who swam it just under a fifth of a second slower in 29.10. However, commentators pointed out that these two times were misleading outside of their proper contexts. Lochte's overall time was 23.25 seconds faster, 4:05.18, than Ye's, as were the times of three other competitors in the men's 400m IM. Equally, as Chinese team officials also pointed out, Ye's race was a very different one to Lochte's. Lochte, when he had hit the freestyle leg of the race, had a comfortable lead over his opponents, whereas Ye was still a body length behind U.S. swimmer Elizabeth Beisel at that point in her race. Phil Lutton, sports editor of the Brisbane Times, observed that Ye, in that position, "had to hit the burners to motor past Beisel". Freelance sports journalist Jens Weinreich described it as Ye having "lit the Turbo" at that point in the race. Australia's Rice, a fellow competitor in the race, described Ye's performance as "insanely fast", and commented on Ye's past racing form: "I was next to her at worlds in the 200m IM last year and she came home over the top of me in that freestyle leg and I'm not exactly a bad freestyler. So she's a gun freestyler."   Phil Lutton pointed out that Ye had grown from 160cm at the time of the 2010 Games to 172cm at the 2012 Olympics, and that " hat sort of difference in height, length of stroke and size of hand leads to warp-speed improvement". In support of the same point Ian Thorpe pointed out that he improved his own personal best in the 400m freestyle by several seconds between the ages of 15 and 16. Adrian Moorhouse similarly observed that he made a personal best improvement of four seconds at age 17 as the result of a growth spurt.   In the 200m IM, three days later, Ye again was behind, in third place, at the start of the final leg of the race, having been in fourth place at the end of the first leg. But she again overtook her competitors in the freestyle leg, finishing with the time 2:07.57. In preliminary heats she had swum 2:08.90, the same time that she achieved in the 2011 World Championships and her tenth best time of all time, with splits of 28.16, 1:00.54, and 1:38.17.   Attachment 2 Email by Dr. Liming Wang, UC Berkeley   From: Liming Wang   Date: Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:26 AM   Subject: Protest to a Nature article "Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions"   To: exec@nature.com   Philip Campbell, Ph.D. and Editor-in-Chief of Nature,   I am a neurobiologist in University of California, Berkeley, USA. I (as well as many of my colleagues) found an article that appeared in Nature yesterday, titled “Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions”, completely groundless and extremely disturbing.   In that article, Mr. Callaway questioned China’s 16-year-old swimmer Ye Shiwen, who won two gold medals in women’s 200-meter and 400-meter individual medley (400 IM) in London Olympics, and said her record-breaking performance “anomalous”. However, the evidence he used to support his reckless statement is simply groundless.   As many have pointed out in the major media, it is not uncommon for an elite and young swimmer to increase his/her performance in a relatively short time window. An Australian swimmer and Olympics gold medalist, Ian Thorpe, said that he improved his 400-meter performance by 5 seconds around same age as Ye. UK’s Adrian Moorhouse, a Seoul Olympics gold medalist, also testified openly that he “improved four seconds” at the age of 17.He also called the suspicions around Ye’s performance “sour grape”.   The other point that Ewen Callaway used to support his accusation, that Ye swam faster than US swimmer Ryan Lochte in the last 50 meters when he won gold in the men’s 400 IM, is unfortunately also unprovoked.First of all, Ryan Lochte did not perform the best in the final 50 meters. He only ranked 5th in the last 50 meters, at 29’’10, which was significantly slower than Japan’s Yuya Horihata (27”87) and three other swimmers competing in the same event. (Ye’s performance was 28”93). It could be that Lochte was away ahead of his competitors in the first three splits so he did not have to strike too hard in the final 50 meters, or that he had used up all his strength. So one cannot only look at the final 50 meters of Ye and Lochte and conclude that Ye swam faster than a men’s champion. In fact, Ye’s record-breaking performance in women’s 400 IM (4’28”43) was significantly slower than Lochte’s (4’5”18). Secondly, even if one only looks at the performance of the final 50 meters, women can certainly surpass men and Ye’s performance shouldn’t be accused as “anomalous”. For example, in last year’s World Championships in Shanghai, UK’s swimmer Rebecca Adlington won a gold medal in women’s 800-meter freestyle. In that event her performance in her final 50 meters (28”91) was faster than both Ye and Lochte in London.   It is worth pointing out that all the facts I listed above can be easily tracked in major media and from the Internet. With just a little effort Ewen Callaway could have avoided raising groundless and disturbing charges against China’s young athlete in a professional scientific journal.   Even worse, Ewen Callaway further argued that Ye’s clean drug test in Olympics ”doesn’t rule out the possibility of doping”, implying that Ye might dope “during training” and escape the more rigorous tests during Olympics. Such a statement is disrespectful to Ye and all professional athletes. Following this logic, Mr. Callaway can easily accuse any athlete “doping” without having any evidence; and ironically, according to him, those being accused have no way to prove themselves innocent: even if they pass all rigorous drug test, they can still be doping at a different time, or even be dope some unidentified drugs! I cannot help wondering if presumption of innocence (innocent until proven guilty) still has people’s belief nowadays, or it is considered outdated in Nature, or in UK?   Last but not least, although Mr. Callaway claimed that he was attempting to discuss science, instead of “racial and political undertones”. Readers can easily smell the hidden (yet clearly implied) racism and discrimination. Yes, we may all agree that better methodology for drug test (such as “biological passport”) is needed for the anti-doping effort. But why the stunning performance from this 16-year-old gifted swimmer can lead to such a proposal?Was Mr. Callaway suggesting that Ye was found drug-clean simply because the drug detection method was not advanced enough? At the end of the article, Mr. Callaway even quoted “When we look at this young swimmer from China who breaks a world record, that’s not proof of anything. It asks a question or two.” So athletes from China, despite their talent and training, are supposed to perform bad and never break world records, otherwise they deserve to be questioned, suspected, and accused? Backed up by technological progress and better training/supporting systems, athletes worldwide are maximizing their potentials. World records are being refreshed every year. USA’s Michael Phelps just won a record 19th medals in Olympics and he has broken numerous swimming world records. Shall we also “ask a question or two” about his “anomalous” performance?   Nature is considered one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world; many scientists, including myself, chose Nature to publish their best work (I myself have co-authored three papers published in Nature and Nature sister journals). However, Mr. Callaway’s article, which is not only misleading, but also full of racial and political bias, has tainted Nature’s reputation in the scientific community, and among the general audience. Unless Nature takes further actions (e.g. publicly retract this article and apologize to Ye and all athletes), I hereby decide not to send my work to Nature any more-and believe me I will not be the last one to protest.   Liming Wang, PhD   Bowes Research Fellow   Department of Molecular and Cell Biology   University of California, Berkeley   CA 94720 USA   Attachment 3 Post by Lai Jiang following the Callaway report   It is a shame to see Nature, which nearly all scientists, including myself, regard as the one of the most prestigious and influential physical science magazines to publish a thinly-veiled biased article like this. Granted, this is not a peer-reviewed scientific article and did not go through the scrutiny of picking referees. But to serve as a channel for the general populous to be in touch with and appreciate sciences, the authors and editors should at least present the readers with facts within proper context, which they failed to do blatantly.   1. First, to compare a player's performance increase, the author used Ye's 400m IM time and her performance at the World championship 2011, which are 4:28.43 and 4:35.15 respectively, and reached the conclusion that she has got an "anomalous" increase by ~7 sec (6.72 sec). In fact she's previous personal best was 4:33.79 at Asian Games 20101. This leads to a 5.38 sec increase. In a sport event that 0.1 sec can be the difference between the gold and silver medal, I see no reason that 5.38 sec can be treated as 7 sec.   Second, as previously pointed out, Ye is only 16 years old and her body is still developing. Bettering oneself by 5 sec over two years may seem impossible for an adult swimmer, but certainly happens among youngsters. Ian Thorpe's interview revealed that his 400m freestyle time increased 5 sec between the age of 15 and 162. For regular people including the author it may be hard to imagine what an elite swimmer can achieve as he or she matures, combined with scientific and persistent training. But jumping to a conclusion that it is "anomalous" based on "Oh that's so tough I can not imagine it is real" is hardly sound.   Third, to compare Ryan Lochte's last 50m to Ye's is a textbook example of what we call to cherry pick your data. Yes, Lochte is slower than Ye in the last 50m, but (as pointed out by Zhenxi) Lochte has a huge lead in the first 300m so that he chose to not push himself too hard to conserve energy for latter events (whether this conforms to the Olympic spirit and the "use one's best efforts to win a match" requirement that the BWF has recently invoked to disqualify four badminton pairs is another topic worth discussing, probably not in Nature, though). On the contrary, Ye is trailing behind after the first 300m and relies on freestyle, which she has an edge, to win the game. Failing to mention this strategic difference, as well as the fact that Lochte is 23.25 sec faster (4:05.18) over all than Ye creates the illusion that a woman swam faster than the best man in the same sport, which sounds impossible. Put aside the gender argument, I believe this is still a leading question that implies the reader that something fishy is going on.   Fourth, another example of cherry picking. In the same event there are four male swimmers that swam faster than both Lochter (29.10 sec)3 and Ye (28.93 sec)4: Hagino (28.52 sec), Phelps (28.44 sec), Horihata (27.87 sec) and Fraser-Holmes (28.35 sec). As it turns out if we are just talking about the last 50m in a 400m IM, Lochter would not have been the example to use if I were the author. What kind of scientific rigorousness that author is trying to demonstrate here? Is it logical that if Lochter is the champion, we should assume he leads in every split? That would be a terrible way to teach the public how science works.   Fifth, which is the one I oppose the most. The author quotes Tucks and implies that a drug test can not rule out the possibility of doping. Is this kind of agnosticism what Nature really wants to educate its readers? By that standard I estimate that at least half of the peer-reviewed scientific papers in Nature should be retracted. How can one convince the editors and reviewers that their proposed theory works for every possible case? One cannot. One chooses to apply the theory to typical examples and demonstrate that in (hopefully) all scenarios considered the theory works to a degree, and that should warrant a publication, until a counterexample is found. I could imagine that the author has a skeptical mind which is critical to scientific thinking, but that would be put into better use if he can write a real peer-reviewed paper that discusses the odds of Ye doping on a highly advanced non-detectable drug that the Chinese has come up within the last 4 years (they obviously did not have it in Beijing, otherwise why not to use it and woo the audience at home?), based on data and rational derivation. This paper, however, can be interpreted as saying that all athletes are doping, and the authorities are just not good enough to catch them. That may be true, logically, but definitely will not make the case if there is ever a hearing by FINA to determine if Ye has doped. To ask the question that if it is possible to false negative in a drug test looks like a rigged question to me. Of course it is, other than the drug that the test is not designed to detect, anyone who has taken Quantum 101 will tell you that everything is probabilistic in nature, and there is a probability for the drug in an athlete's system to tunnel out right at the moment of the test. A slight change as it may be, should we disregard all test results because of it? LetAtilde;¢a‚not;a„¢s be practical and reasonable. And accept WADA is competent at its job. Her urine sample is stored for 8 years following the contest for future testing as technology advances. Innocent until proven guilty, shouldn't it be?   Sixth, and the last point I would like to make, is that the out-of-competition drug test is already in effect, which the author failed to mention. Per WADA presidentAtilde;¢a‚not;a„¢s press release5, drug testing for olympians began at least 6 months prior to the opening of the London Olympic. Furthermore there are 107 athletes who are banned from this Olympic for doping. That maybe the reason that Atilde;¢a‚not;Aring;“everyone will pass at the Olympic games. Hardly anyone fails in competition testingAtilde;¢a‚not;Acirc;? Because those who did dope are already sanctioned? The author is free to suggest that a player could have doped beforehand and fool the test at the game, but this possibility certainly is ruled out for Ye.   Over all, even though the author did not falsify any data, he did (intentionally or not) cherry pick data that is far too suggestive to be fair and unbiased, in my view. If you want to cover a story of a suspected doping from a scientific point of view, be impartial and provide all the facts for the reader to judge. You are entitled to your interpretation of the facts, and the expression thereof in your piece, explicitly or otherwise, but only showing evidences which favor your argument is hardly good science or journalism. Such an article in a journal like Nature is not an appropriate example of how scientific research or report should be done.   1 http://www.fina.org/H2O/index.ph ... perItemid=1241   2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ETPUKlOwV4   3 http://www.london2012.com/swimmi ... wm054100/index.html   4 http://www.london2012.com/swimmi ... ww054100/index.html   5 http://playtrue.wada-ama.org/new ... 12-press-conference   Attachment 4 Post by Zhenxi Zhang following the Callaway report   I just want to add this: Phelps improved 4+ seconds in his 200 fly between 14-15 years old. Ian Thorpe also had a similar performance improvement. Ye is now 16. She was 160 cm in height and now 170 cm. Human biology also play a role      “ she gets stronger and bigger naturally. Yes she can make up 5 seconds (NOT 7 seconds in the article) in a 400 IM that has more room for improvement, with good training she got in Australia.   In both the 400 IM and 200 IM finals, Ye were behind until freestyle. Well I guess there is "drug" that just enhances freestyle, but not the backstroke, breast, and fly. Does that make sense? Also, it is not professional to only mention that 'her showing in the last 50 metres, which she swam faster than US swimmer Ryan Lochte did when he won gold in the menAtilde;¢a‚not;a„¢s 400 IM'. The whole fact is that Ye is more than 23 second slower than Lochte in 400 IM. Plus, Freestyle isn't Lochte's best leg, but it is Shiwen's best leg. Lochte had a huge lead on the field, and almost coasted to the finish. He wasn't pressured by the field to go all out that last few meters.   And before we get into the fact there's no way a woman should be able to come close to man's time for a final leg of 50m. May I present the following: Kate Ziegler set a WR in the 1500m freestyle. In the last 50m of her race she had a split of 29.27, which is ONLY 0.17s slower than Lochte final 50m. This was after she swam for 1100m longer than Lochte!   I feel the author would probably not write such a piece if Ye is an American or British. Neither country is clean from athletes caught by doping (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use ... n_the_Olympic_Games ). Let's try not to use double standards on the great performance from countries other than US and European countries.
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分享 叶诗文:他们是酸葡萄心理罢了
热度 2 新闻速递 2012-8-2 17:45
http://youtu.be/g6LTDrzauOk 腾讯专访叶诗文:外媒是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 2012年08月02日10:34 腾讯体育 字号: T | T 奥运 游泳冠军叶诗文 做客 金牌 第一时间( 点击查看高清组图 ) 腾讯体育 讯 北京时间8月2日上午,独揽女子400米混合泳和200米混合泳两块金牌的泳坛神童叶诗文来到腾讯《金牌第一时间》,叶诗文和主持人刘建宏( 微博 博客 )、嘉宾主持杨云( 微博 )从叶诗文的年少聊起,聊到本届奥运会的争议判罚,叶诗文未来的打算,解读了奇迹背后的点点滴滴。 400米夺冠源于“战术” “太累了。”面对主持人刘建宏和嘉宾主持杨云的关心,一向坚强的叶诗文终于流露出了疲态。伦敦奥运会,叶诗文体能的消耗极大,而四处的质疑声也让小姑娘背上了十足的精神压力。好在一切都结束了,结局很完美。 比 赛中主持人刘建宏也替网友们为了一个比较困惑的问题:“本来200混应该是你绝对的强项,400混相对来说比200混要差一点,但是为什么给我的感觉,你 400混这次的优势这么大。”对此叶诗文表示,因为赛前都是围绕着400米来练习。为什么要围绕400米来练?叶诗文回答说:“因为400混在第一天,第 一天比好的话,后面会比较有信心。”结果叶诗文400米打破世界纪录夺冠,一鸣惊人,也为之后的200米打下了良好的心理基础。刘建宏恍然大悟:“这是你 们和教练员共同制定的一个战术,第一天如果打好了,后面会更好。” 大赛之中不免紧张 最后25米确认夺冠 16 岁的年纪参加奥运会,是不是会有一些紧张?对此刘建宏也提出了疑问。叶诗文当然也会紧张,尤其是200米比赛结束后在接受采访时叶诗文并没有显得很从容: “因为400混比好了嘛,所以大家比较期待,比较关注,如果比不好的话,会让他们失望。”而决赛紧张的气氛也给叶诗文带来了一定的压力,甚至在最后一个泳 姿之前,叶诗文都不确定自己的成绩会是什么样:“200混预赛和半决赛其实还好,因为大家可能都留了点力气,所以决赛有点惊讶。咬得太紧了,我还以为我蛙 泳应该是倒数第一,没想到被他们吸住了。” 因为所有人都很拼命,叶诗文直到最后25米 才确认自己能够夺冠。而在之前,叶诗文也表示,自己游得放不开:“有点悬,因为那天感觉特别不好游起来。可能太紧张了吧,也没有放开游。”但相信所有人都 已经看到叶诗文在200米最后时刻所展现出来的实力了,这也与她刻苦的训练分不开,在游泳项目中,训练时往往只能发挥出比赛实力的7,8成,显然,叶诗文 在比赛中有如此爆发,也得益于日常的系统训练到位。 6岁开始游泳 最爱研究星座 访谈 中 有一个花絮,刘建宏称很早以前就听说过叶诗文的脚很大,而在现场看到叶诗文也证实了传闻,叶诗文表示,现在自己已经长到了172cm,手和脚大一些很正 常,不过到现在为止,她已经很久没有再长个子了。叶诗文的确比一般的女孩长得高大一些,这是否也有利于她练习游泳?叶诗文也承认,在六岁刚开始上幼儿园的 时候,她就已经开始练习游泳了,当时的启蒙教练就是看到叶诗文的肩要比别人宽,所以认定这是一个好苗子。 小 姑娘喜欢研究星座,而据她自己表示,双子座的人都很纠结,面对选择时往往不知道选择哪个更好,刘建宏也开玩笑说,也许这就是叶诗文练习混合泳的原因。聊到 混合泳,叶诗文也打开了回忆:“我第一个学会的泳姿是蛙泳,后来教练让才我改练自由泳。”由于仰泳和蝶泳并不是叶诗文的强项,因此在 伦敦奥运 之前,叶诗文也刻意加强了这两个泳姿的练习,效果显然非常理想。 现场观看照片墙羞涩不已 在 访谈中,节目组特意找了一些叶诗文小时候的照片,这也让现场的叶诗文颇为惊讶,不过她还是很开心的和主持人一起分享起照片的故事。有一张叶诗文刚满一周岁 的照片,看到这张照片叶诗文也笑了:“这个刚刚洗完澡,小时候。这我都不记得了,没有记忆了。”叶诗文小时候一头短发,很像男孩,但她终归还是个爱美的女 孩,比如,在幼儿园小班的时候就拍过艺术照,羞涩腼腆的叶诗文非常可爱。 接着,叶诗文又为主持人解读了她小时候在市运会得到金牌的照片,刘建宏也不禁感慨:“那会儿看来你已经非常习惯登冠军的领奖台了。”再之后的照片,便是叶诗文一路的成长之旅,从国家队,到世锦赛,一张张照片见证了泳坛 奇才 的诞生。 最爱吃甜点 奥运前睡不好 “我 爸说我刚生出来哭声超大,还以为我是男孩呢。”叶诗文笑得很羞涩。刘建宏忙打圆场:“我觉得我这么一接触的话,我觉得你还是一个标准的女孩子,再跟我们介 绍介绍你平常的一些业余生活里边的一种爱好,比如说你爱吃什么?”叶诗文的回答正中女孩天性:“甜点。”嘉宾主持杨云也在一旁附和:“我也也别喜欢吃!” 的确,运动员的消耗量很大,需要补充能量,而甜点是不错的选择之一。 世锦赛时,叶诗文 曾因发烧影响了状态,在伦敦奥运会中,其实叶诗文之前的几天也没有睡好:“前两天还行,比赛前两天总是会有点失眠。翻来覆去的,我想一定要赶紧睡着,换各 种姿势。用什么样的放松方式都不管用。”主持人刘建宏笑道,自己也有这样的精力,在高考前同样各种睡不着。 他们是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 面对外媒的质疑,叶诗文回答的理直气壮:“我已经用成绩证明了自己,他们是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸!”刘建宏在节目中透露,很多国外媒体正在进行一些调查:要不要向叶诗文道歉。结果90%的网友都说必须道歉。外媒为什么这么多质疑?因为 中国 把他们的优势项目抢走了。但叶诗文认为,没有什么运动是不可以去尝试的。 不过叶诗文的成绩提升得的确很快,这一点叶诗文表示是因为训练质量得到了提高。刘建宏开玩笑说,叶诗文可能在一段时间内睡觉都会提高成绩,叶诗文同样笑道:“我觉得不睡觉的成绩都高。其实是因为一开始的时候弦都是绷紧的,不睡觉的话还是能练得很好。” 喜欢李敏镐 终于可以逛街了 除了奥运会冠军的光环,叶诗文也是一个16岁的花季少女,她当然也有自己喜欢的偶像。比如她喜欢看《爱情公寓》这种轻松的片子,也觉得 韩国 影星李敏镐很帅。手机里面存了很多歌曲,以前有在赛前听歌的习惯等等。不过,爱美之心人皆有之,在没有比赛和训练的时候,叶诗文也会穿上自己喜欢的衣服四处逛逛,甚至还会绣十字绣。一个鲜活的女生形象呈现在了大家面前,谁说运动员只是机器人? 奥运结束,叶诗文松了一口气,接下来她会得到更多的休息时间,想干什么?难得来一次伦敦,叶诗文还没有好好逛逛:“总算可以好好逛街了!”奥运冠军长吁一口气。杨云也附和着:“到时候我和你一起逛。”除了逛街,还有伦敦的许多名胜古迹,这些都是叶诗文的下一个目标。 与父亲通电话 回答网友提问 在 访谈现场,节目组也特意安排了叶诗文与父亲进行视频连线,叶诗文的爸爸再一次恭喜了叶诗文:“叶诗文,太棒了,爸妈真的感到太自豪了。”由于叶诗文结束奥 运征程后要先回到国家队报道,因此她需要在北京停留一周左右的时间才能回到杭州的家里,父女俩团员的日子又被延后了,叶诗文的父亲表示,他会想办法到北京 去接机。“你在伦敦好好玩玩,吃好,睡好,这回可以放松了,太棒了,好好玩一玩,现在可以开始享受你第一次奥运的旅程了。别忘了给 魏巍 教练(叶诗文启蒙教练)打电话!”一系列的叮嘱过后,叶爸爸恋恋不舍的结束了通话。启蒙教练魏巍也是叶诗文最感谢的人之一。 结束了与父亲的通话,叶诗文也回答了腾讯微博网友的提问。有网友问,叶诗文有男朋友么?小叶子回答没有,不过她很喜欢李敏镐这样的类型。第二个问题问到点上了,有网友问叶诗文和孙杨 孙杨 谁游得快,叶诗文笑了:“肯定是他快啊!”刘建宏开玩笑说:“让孙杨游仰泳,你游自由泳,你肯定比他快。” 焦刘洋 ( 微博 )不容易 我还会继续参加奥运会 焦刘洋同样获得了奥运冠军,叶诗文认为焦刘洋很不容易:“因为上一届其实焦点都在她身上,但是她拿了 银牌 。 所以她四年为了今天这一战,我看她赛前真的挺紧张的。”焦刘洋才20岁,而叶诗文更加年轻,那么叶诗文未来的奥运之路还会不会走下去呢?“我想应该会吧, 尽力吧。”虽然叶诗文没有给出肯定的答复,但正如刘建宏所说:“这可能是我们中国很多的体育爱好者愿意听到的一句话。”只要有希望,叶诗文的传奇就会继续 下去。 (毛罗)
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分享 叶诗文答记者盘问
热度 3 新闻速递 2012-8-1 15:52
西方记者像审问似的提问--点击播放 http://www.zhenzhubay.com/fup/up/91/58a29d4.mp4
3720 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 4天两金+疯狂三破纪录! 叶诗文让质疑者闭嘴(图)
热度 7 水壶灌满 2012-8-1 05:06
4天两金+疯狂三破纪录! 叶诗文让质疑者闭嘴(图)
2012年伦敦奥运会游泳比赛继续展开鏖战,在女子200米个人混合泳比赛里,中国小将叶诗文以2分07秒57打破奥运会纪录,成为第一位在同一届奥运斩获两金的中国游泳选手,击碎欧美媒体的恶意中伤。真正的强者就是具备这样的力量:你越是想要攻击她,你的攻击就愈加充实和证明了她! 游泳和田径作为基础大项和金牌大户,一直是奥运会的最大焦点所在,至于足球、篮球、网球等高度职业化的项目,奥运会的吸引力反倒不见得比顶级联赛高。相比于多是黑人选手逞威风的田径赛场,泳池更是欧美媒体愿意关注的地方,但当中国选手打破欧美传统优势项目霸权,抢尽欧美明星的风头,无疑也触动了他们的敏感神经。 近几年中国游泳每一次爆发,欧美媒体都不会放过吐槽的机会,在实在找不到可以指摘的地方的时候,就会千篇一律的渲染一下上世纪90年代中国游泳曾经的兴奋剂事件,然后做出某种恶意的揣测和毫无根据的质疑。中国16岁小姑娘叶诗文伦敦奥运4分28秒43打破女子400米混合泳世界纪录,他的最后冲刺甚至比男子400混冠军美国的罗切特还快!西方媒体又不淡定了…… 先是英国的BBC主持人克莱尔旁敲侧击的讥讽道:“中国选手比个人最好成绩提高了5秒,她是如何做到的?凭借什么做到的?(暗示服药)。紧接着美国的美联社当面质疑叶诗文:“中国曾经有运动员服用禁药,而你打破世界纪录很难令人不怀疑。而英国《每日电讯报》记者甚至言辞激烈的逼奥组委严查叶诗文:“她比男人游得还快,这不符合科学,怎么可能没问题呢。”更令人气愤的是,西媒把羞涩不善交际的小姑娘说成是封闭的机器人! 运动员追求更高更快更强,取得惊人成绩本来值得尊敬和赞美,却换来无端的指责和诽谤,当年菲尔普斯刚出道也是一下子冒出来游出许多匪夷所思的成绩,那个时候为什么欧美是截然相反的态度呢?欧美媒体的傲慢、偏见、选择性失明暴露无遗,要知道叶诗文只是一个16岁的女孩,欧美媒体无中生有凭空臆测,用那么恶毒的言论诋毁她,这不只是有悖比赛程序和奥运精神,甚至是缺少最起码的人性! 西媒的长枪短炮让叶诗文在奥运村的正常训练和备战受到影响,但小姑娘决定用实际行动回击质疑,她在200混前三种泳姿保持固有的节奏,丝毫不受对手的干扰,直到最后50米自由泳,就进入到了“叶诗文时间”。叶诗文加速超越所有竞争对手,继半决赛刷新奥运会纪录之后,决赛再破奥运会纪录,赢得了个人奥运第二金!给予那些恶意中伤者最好的回击!
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