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分享 圣诞欢乐!Joy to the world!
热度 2 我是虔谦 2016-12-26 03:44
Born in a manger and found first by the shepherds, that's how Jesus was born. He did not come to this world that he had created to conquer or to condemn, but to serveand to bring hope to thisdark world. Joy to the world now! 生在牛棚,首先被当时的社会底层牧羊人们所发现, 耶稣就是这样来到这个他所创造的世界。 他不是来 征服 或 谴责 ,而 是来 服务 , 并且 给 这个 黑暗 的 世界 带来光明和 希望 。 欢乐吧,世界!
个人分类: 使评|2827 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Fara Fabian ---- Adejio at the world music awards 2001
热度 5 mountainview 2015-1-24 05:47
祝 周 末 愉 快 ! http://youtu.be/0_znmFcLuuU http://youtu.be/agV5arrWLx4
个人分类: 分享|6320 次阅读|9 个评论
分享 小小男子汉为歌泣为歌舞
热度 9 卉樱果 2013-9-4 04:12
宝宝不怕生,在Play Ground 看到小盆友就追着人玩。开始走的不太稳的时候,大孩子还不屑于和他玩。总见到宝宝伸出两手摇摇晃晃地可怜兮兮地跟着人家。不过半个月,宝宝走稳了,也有了一帮志同道合差不多大的对石头沙子泥潭水塘感兴趣的兄弟们。 棒球场 傍晚带宝宝去市中心Canada Place散步,宝宝对山水美女视而不见,像老革命那样埋头推车。 忽然听到草地边老人就这吉他唱着三十年代的歌曲:It is a wonderful world。宝宝不懂歌词,只觉得曲调悲哀,驻足听着,突然哇的大哭起来。 奶奶连忙抱起他,告诉他这是一首开心的歌,看美丽的晚霞,看飞翔的海鸥,这是一个美妙的世界,宝宝就不哭了,继续推车。 宝宝喜欢节奏明快的歌,奶奶给他每天看十分钟的"mother goose club"里的儿歌,有次他的限额用完了,可是还想看,俺小小男子汉不得不侧头向妈妈哀求:麦麦~ 优酷中的听歌乐 点 下 奶奶 的 画 廊 -求加分
个人分类: 含饴弄孙|7953 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 It is George!
热度 8 cat 2013-7-25 02:04
By Polya Lesova NEW YORK -- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced on Wednesday that they have named their son George Alexander Louis, according to a tweet from Clarence House. The Duchess, the former Kate Middleton, gave birth to her son, who is third in line to the British throne, on Monday, capping days of frenzied anticipation by the world's media. 以后又会有个 King George 了!
6232 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 what a wonderful world --多么美好的世界
热度 10 纸老虎 2012-7-14 13:55
what a beautiful song! we all have heard this many many times. every time, I stop whatever I am doing, and listen till it ends and say to myself, what a wonderful voice!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5TwT69i1lU I see trees of green........ red roses too 我看见绿 绿的 树 ,红红的玫瑰 I see em bloom..... for me and for you 为了你我而盛开 And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world. 让我由衷的感到, 世界多么美好 I see skies of blue..... clouds of white 我看见蓝蓝的天,白色的云 Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights 明亮的白天,神圣的夜晚 And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world. 我由衷的感到,世界多么美好 The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky 我看见天上的 美丽的彩虹 Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by 擦肩而过 的 人群 I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do 我看见朋友们在握手 相互问候 They're really sayin......i love you. 掩饰不住的相互关爱 I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow 我听见婴儿的哭声,看着他们长大 They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know 他们能学到更多 我们所不能的 And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world 我由衷的感到,这个世界多么美好
7775 次阅读|5 个评论


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