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分享 网教:从特那包案看杨文斌案
热度 3 岳东晓 2015-8-16 03:41
Joel Tenenbaum (鸠儿-特那包)有个网站, 鸠儿反击, http://www.joelfightsback.com/ (目前其内容已经无法浏览), 还有同名的 推特 ,曾经有一度此人是互联网上的英雄,有不少粉丝。 特那包其 人是谁呢? 2007年, 24岁大学毕业生 特那包被 若干音乐唱片公司起诉 ,指控其通过P2P下载约30首歌曲的MP3 。如同所有的这类案子,原告的证据只是一个IP地址与一个P2P用户ID。特那包不蠢,他对朋友说,将一个IP与个人100%对应是无法做到的。接到起诉书之后,他坚持称原告搞错人了,他从来没有安装过P2P软件,对相关软件没有任何知识,他否认那个P2P用户名属于他。后来,原告在特那包计算机上找到了相关的证据,他改称(1)可能是一个寄养在他家的小孩干的;(2)可能是家里的客人干的,(3)可能是小偷干的;(4)可能是他姐妹们干的 。特那包的“大义凛然”赢得了很多互联网民的起哄式支持,哈佛大学法学院教授查尔斯-内森 ( Charles Nesson , the William F. Weld Professor of Law at Harvard Law School )免费充当特那包辩护律师。 但这些辩解通通无效。 内森 教授使出的招数也通通无效。 最后,陪审团裁定特那包蓄意侵权,判处60万美金的赔偿。法官倒是同情特那包,把赔偿减少到 6万。但巡回法院认为法官错误,恢复了60万的赔偿额。(后来法官退休到哈佛去了)。 聪明的读者们看到这要想了。特那包说的可能性确实存在啊,下载歌曲的人躲在计算机后,谁能100%断定就是他呢? 可能是黑客,还可能是外星人干的。原告凭什么可以对特纳包的计算机进行全面检查呢? 读者可能问,如果干脆把计算机硬盘数据清除,或者干脆换个新硬盘如何? 这当然也是不行的。我介绍过的那个 Jammie Thomas-Rasset 就是在感觉不妙后,跑到 Best Buy 把计算机硬盘换了,原硬盘不知去向。她还作证说,她小孩也用她的计算机,可能是小孩干的。但这么做的结果不但不能逃脱干系,似乎反而引起了陪审团的愤怒。该单身母亲被判赔偿上百万。类似的, 在 Arista Records v. Tschirhart 案中,被告也是把硬盘数据清除,结果法庭直接判她败诉。 上面这些事情对于很多没在美国当过被告的来说,也许很难理解。原告的证据仅仅是IP与ID,为什么被告发誓否定之后没有脱身,反而必须交出计算机,反而越陷越深? 计算机里有多少隐私啊?。。。 要搞清这个问题,需要知道一些美国法制的基本概念。 杨文彬案发前,我曾经通知他保存硬盘数据,他说要去买个新硬盘 。 这一点我写在起诉书里了。 PS: 还有网友问,为什么要起诉杨文彬。起诉杨文彬是为了制止其非法行为、并让他对其非法行为负责,并且预防可能的犯罪 --- 而且是在我多次警告无效的情况下。杨本人对于法律行动是不陌生的: 夜夜城仅仅是张贴杨文彬家人的照片并取笑,杨就要向FBI报警 --- 夜夜城这些杨家照片后来被删除了,也许杨的做法起到了作用。杨文彬对本人构成的诽谤与暴力威胁极其恶劣,目前只是追究其民事责任。马力写道 “ 岳可以在诉状中加上暴力威胁网友。证据还有很多。 (8-2 17:26)” 这是一个很好的建议。针对夜夜城的传票将在三个星期内发出,鉴于夜城网主匿名,有知其信息者,可以协助。我也不是24小时打官司,这些事按部就班依法进行。杨文彬案下次听证日期是在9月24日,之前我会递交一份反对,但是不会有太多事。看戏党不必催促。 PPS:至于翰山侵权诽谤案,当然也在循序进行,被告 GAOGAO HAN已经通过EMAIL收到传票,其网站代理也已经将传票寄给 HANSHAN.INFO 。法律的轮子运转是缓慢而坚定的。但一个月内不会有太多动静。当初翰山侵权事发, iMan 是曾经答应如果翰山被诉,他会出钱相助,也许还要其他人向翰山做出了这样的承诺。我认为 iMan 及其他人应该信守其承诺。当然,如果这些人言而无信,那也不奇怪。 United States District Court District of Massachusetts (Boston) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:07-cv-11446-RWZ Sony BMG Music Entertainment et al v. Tenenbaum Assigned to: Judge Rya W. Zobel Caseinothercourt: First Circuit, 10-01883 First Circuit, 10-01947 First Circuit, 10-02052 First Circuit, 12-02146 Cause: 17:501 Copyright Infringement Date Filed: 08/07/2007 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 820 Copyright Jurisdiction: Federal Question Intervenor Plaintiff United States of America representedby Michelle Bennett U.S. Deparmtent of Justice, Civil Division, Federal Programs 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 202-305-8902 Email: michelle.bennett@usdoj.gov LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Sony BMG Music Entertainment a Delaware general partnership representedby John R. Bauer Birnbaum Godkin, LLP 280 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 617-307-6163 Fax: 617-307-6101 Email: bauer@birnbaumgodkin.com TERMINATED: 12/28/2009 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul D Clement Bancroft PLLC 1919 M Street N.W. Suite 470 Washington, DC 20036 202-234-0090 Fax: 202-234-2806 Email: pclement@bancroftpllc.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel J. Cloherty Collora LLP 100 High Street 20th Flr. Boston, MA 02110 617-371-1000 Fax: 617-371-1037 Email: dcloherty@collorallp.com ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eve G. Burton Holme Roberts Owen LLP 1700 Lincoln Street Denver, CO 80203-4541 303-866-0551 Email: eve.burton@hro.com ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew Oppenheim Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP 7304 River Falls Potomac, MD 20854 301-299-4986 Email: matt@oandzlaw.com PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Timothy M. Reynolds Bryan Cave HRO 1801 13th Street Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-5955 Fax: 303-866-0200 Email: timothy.reynolds@bryancave.com PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Victoria L. Steinberg Collora LLP 100 High Street 20th Flr. Boston, MA 02110 617-371-1000 Email: vsteinberg@collorallp.com ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Warner Bros. Records, Inc. a Delaware Corporation representedby John R. Bauer (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/28/2009 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul D Clement (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel J. Cloherty (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eve G. Burton (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew Oppenheim (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Timothy M. Reynolds (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Victoria L. Steinberg (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Atlantic Recording Corporation a Delaware Corporation representedby John R. Bauer (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/28/2009 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul D Clement (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel J. Cloherty (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eve G. Burton (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew Oppenheim (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Timothy M. Reynolds (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Victoria L. Steinberg (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Arista Records LLC a Delaware limited liability company representedby John R. Bauer (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/28/2009 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul D Clement (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel J. Cloherty (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eve G. Burton (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew Oppenheim (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Timothy M. Reynolds (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Victoria L. Steinberg (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff UMG Recording, Inc . a Delaware corporation representedby John R. Bauer (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/28/2009 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul D Clement (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel J. Cloherty (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eve G. Burton (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew Oppenheim (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Timothy M. Reynolds (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Victoria L. Steinberg (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED V. Defendant Joel Tenenbaum representedby Charles Nesson Harvard Law School 1525 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-4609 Email: nesson@law.harvard.edu LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew H. Feinberg Feinberg Kamholtz 1 South Market Bldg., 4th Fl Fanueil Hall Marketplace Boston, MA 02109 617-526-0700 Fax: 617-526-0701 Email: mattfein@feinberg-kamholtz.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Matthew A. Kamholtz Feinberg Kamholtz 1 South Market Bldg., 4th Fl Fanueil Hall Marketplace Boston, MA 02109-6175 617-526-0700 Fax: 617-526-0701 Email: mattkamh@feinberg-kamholtz.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus The Nashville Songwriters Association International representedby The Nashville Songwriters Association International PRO SE Mary T. Sullivan Segal Roitman LLP 111 Devonshire Street 5th Floor Boston, MA 02109 617-742-0208 Fax: 617-742-2187 TERMINATED: 12/09/2011 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus The Songwriters Guild of America representedby The Songwriters Guild of America PRO SE Mary T. Sullivan (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/09/2011 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus American Federation of Television and Radio Artists representedby American Federation of Television and Radio Artists PRO SE Mary T. Sullivan (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/09/2011 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada representedby American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada PRO SE Mary T. Sullivan (See above for address) TERMINATED: 12/09/2011 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus Motion Picture Association of America representedby Mark A. Walsh Duane Morris LLP Ste. 1000 505 9th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004-2166 202-776-7843 Fax: 202-776-7801 Email: mark.walsh@dl.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus The Berkman Center for Internet Society at Harvard Law School representedby Diane Cabell 1587 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-7547 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED John Palfrey 1587 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-7547 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Amicus Free Software Foundation representedby Theodore G. Fletcher Theodore G. Fletcher, Attorney at Law 311 Main St. P.O. Box 8 Southwest Harbor, ME 207-244-5225 Fax: 207-244-7175 Email: law@tgfletcher.us LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Date Filed # Docket Text 08/07/2007 1 COMPLAINT against Joel Tenenbaum, filed by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A to complaint# 2 Exhibit B-1 to the complaint# 3 Exhibit B-2 of the complaint# 4 Exhibit 3 to the complaint# 5 Exhibit B-4 to the complaint# 6 Exhibit B-5 to the complaint# 7 Exhibit B-6 to the complaint# 8 Exhibit B-7 to the complaint# 9 Civil Cover Sheet)(Bauer, John) (Entered: 08/07/2007) 08/07/2007 2 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc.. (Bauer, John) (Entered: 08/07/2007) 08/07/2007 3 REPORT on the filing/termination of copyright case. (Bauer, John) (Entered: 08/07/2007) 08/07/2007 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment. Judge Nancy Gertner assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge Collings (Nici, Richard) (Entered: 08/07/2007) 08/07/2007 Summons Issued as to Joel Tenenbaum. (Nici, Richard) (Entered: 08/07/2007) 08/13/2007 Filing fee: $ 350.00, receipt number 81705 for 1 Complaint, (Diskes, Sheila) (Entered: 08/13/2007) 09/05/2007 5 ANSWER to Complaint by Joel Tenenbaum.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 09/24/2007) 09/17/2007 4 SUMMONS Returned Executed Joel Tenenbaum served on 8/18/2007, answer due 9/7/2007. (Bauer, John) (Entered: 09/17/2007) 09/26/2007 6 Judge Nancy Gertner : ORDER consolidating cases entered.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 09/26/2007) 09/26/2007 Civil Case Terminated. Case consolidated with 03cv11661NG. (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 09/26/2007) 10/02/2008 7 NOTICE of Appearance by Eve G. Burton on behalf of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc. (Burton, Eve) (Entered: 10/02/2008) 10/23/2008 8 STIPULATION TO JURY TRIAL by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc., Joel Tenenbaum. (Burton, Eve) (Entered: 10/23/2008) 11/07/2008 9 MOTION to Strike Motion to Quash Subpoena Filed by Tova Tenenbaum by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A: Plaintiffs' Subpoena to Tova Tenenbaum dated 10/16/08 (3pgs), # 2 Exhibit B: Tova Tenenbaum's Motion to Quash Subpoena dated 10/30/08 (6 pgs), # 3 Exhibit C: Tova Tenenbaum Deposition dated 10/15/08, Pages 1-2 and 78-81 (7 pgs total), # 4 Exhibit D: Arthur Tenenbaum Deposition dated 10/13/08 Pages 1-2 and 29 (3 pgs total))(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 11/07/2008) 05/05/2009 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered finding as moot 9 Motion to Strike. "DENIED as moot in light of the Court's 11/18/2008 Order on the Motion to Quash 685 and Motion to Strike 688 in the consolidated action, Case No. 03-11661." (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 05/05/2009) 09/01/2009 13 MOTION for Entry of Judgment by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Text of Proposed Order) Originally filed in lead case 03cv11661NG.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 10/07/2009) 09/28/2009 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered: "Because of the number of cases and to facilitate judicial management, these cases will no longer be consolidated. All future filings should be filed in each defendants' respective case and no longer in the lead case." Associated Cases: 1:03-cv-11661-NG et al.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 09/28/2009) 09/28/2009 Case Reopened (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 09/28/2009) 10/05/2009 10 First MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by Joel Tenenbaum. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix opposition to motion for entry of judgment and injunction)(Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 10/05/2009) 10/05/2009 14 Opposition re 13 MOTION for Entry of Judgment filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 10/07/2009) 10/06/2009 11 NOTICE of Appearance by Victoria L. Steinberg on behalf of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc. (Steinberg, Victoria) (Entered: 10/06/2009) 10/06/2009 12 NOTICE of Appearance by Daniel J. Cloherty on behalf of Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, UMG Recording, Inc. (Cloherty, Daniel) (Entered: 10/06/2009) 10/07/2009 15 NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew H. Feinberg on behalf of Joel Tenenbaum (Feinberg, Matthew) (Entered: 10/07/2009) 10/07/2009 16 NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew A. Kamholtz on behalf of Joel Tenenbaum (Kamholtz, Matthew) (Entered: 10/07/2009) 10/16/2009 17 Assented to MOTION for Leave to File Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Entry of Judgment by Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Bros. Records, Inc., Atlantic Recording Corporation, Arista Records LLC, All Plaintiffs, UMG Recording, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 10/16/2009) 11/23/2009 18 EXCERPT Transcript of Jury Trial Day Two (Opening Statements Only) held on July 28, 2009, before Judge Gertner. Court Reporter: Valerie A. O'Hara at 617/737-2346. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 12/11/2009. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/21/2009. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/18/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 11/23/2009) 11/23/2009 19 EXCERPT Transcript of Jury Trial Day Four (Testimony of Ron Wilcox Only) held on July 30, 2009, before Judge Gertner. Court Reporter: Valerie A. O'Hata at 617/737-2346. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 12/11/2009. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/21/2009. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/18/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 11/23/2009) 11/23/2009 20 EXCERPT Transcript of Jury Trial Day Four (Testimony of Joel Tenebaum Only) held on July 30, 2009, before Judge Gertner. Court Reporter: Valerie A. O'Hara at 617/737-2346. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 12/11/2009. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 12/21/2009. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 2/18/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 11/23/2009) 11/23/2009 21 NOTICE is hereby given that an official transcript of a proceeding has been filed by the court reporter in the above-captioned matter. Counsel are referred to the Court's Transcript Redaction Policy, a copy of which is attached to this entry.. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 11/23/2009) 12/07/2009 22 Judge Nancy Gertner: MEMORANDUM AND ORDER re 871 Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Defendant's Fair Use Defense in case 03cv11661NG entered.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/07/2009) 12/07/2009 23 Judge Nancy Gertner: MEMORANDUM entered granting in part and denying in part 13 Motion for Injunctive Relief and Entry of Judgment. (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/07/2009) 12/07/2009 24 Judge Nancy Gertner: ORDER entered; JUDGMENT in favor of Plaintiffs against Defendant.(Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/07/2009) 12/07/2009 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered; "With respect to post trial motions: if Defendant wishes to challenge any aspect of his trial, including the amount of statutory damages awarded by the jury, he may file a motion for new trial or remittitur by January 4, 2010. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(b). Plaintiffs will then have fourteen days from the date on which they are served with the motion to respond. See Local R. 7.1(b)(2)." (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/07/2009) 12/07/2009 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered; "With respect to pending motions for sanctions 865 under Case No. 03-cv-11661NG and pending motion for costs and fees incurred by plaintiffs in filing a motion to compel (document #851), if the parties wish further briefing, they may do via contemporaneous briefs == by December 31, 2009." (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/07/2009) 12/10/2009 Mail Returned as Undeliverable. Mail sent to Diane Cabell returned because not here. (Gaudet, Jennifer) (Entered: 12/10/2009) 12/28/2009 25 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Appearance by John R. Bauer (Bauer, John) (Entered: 12/28/2009) 01/04/2010 26 MOTION for New Trial by Joel Tenenbaum.(Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 01/04/2010) 01/04/2010 27 MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by Joel Tenenbaum.(Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 01/04/2010) 01/15/2010 28 Assented to MOTION for Extension of Time to January 28, 2010 to File Response to Defendant's Motion for New Trial or Remittitur by All Plaintiffs.(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 01/15/2010) 01/15/2010 29 Assented to MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages in Response in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for New Trial or Remittitur by All Plaintiffs.(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 01/15/2010) 01/19/2010 30 Assented to MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by United States of America.(Bennett, Michelle) (Entered: 01/19/2010) 01/19/2010 31 RESPONSE to Motion re 26 MOTION for New Trial and Memorandum in Defense of the Constitutionality of the Statutory Damages Provision of the Copyright Act filed by United States of America. (Bennett, Michelle) (Entered: 01/19/2010) 01/20/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 27 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages ; Counsel using the Electronic Case Filing System should now file the document for which leave to file has been granted in accordance with the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures. Counsel must include - Leave to file granted on (date of order)- in the caption of the document. (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 01/20/2010) 01/20/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 28 Motion for Extension of Time to January 28, 2010 to File Response to Defendant's Motion for New Trial or Remittur (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 01/20/2010) 01/20/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 29 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages ; Counsel using the Electronic Case Filing System should now file the document for which leave to file has been granted in accordance with the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures. Counsel must include - Leave to file granted on (date of order)- in the caption of the document. (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 01/20/2010) 01/20/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 30 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages ; Counsel using the Electronic Case Filing System should now file the document for which leave to file has been granted in accordance with the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures. Counsel must include - Leave to file granted on (date of order)- in the caption of the document. (Gertner, Nancy) (Entered: 01/20/2010) 01/20/2010 32 Letter/request (non-motion) from Free Software Foundation. (Fletcher, Theodore) (Entered: 01/20/2010) 01/21/2010 Set/Reset Deadlines as to 26 MOTION for New Trial. Responses due by 1/28/2010 (Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 01/21/2010) 01/21/2010 33 RESPONSE to Motion re 26 MOTION for New Trial and Memorandum in Defense of the Constitutionality of the Statutory Damages Provision of the Copyright Act (Leave to file granted on 1/20/2010) filed by United States of America. (Bennett, Michelle) (Entered: 01/21/2010) 01/26/2010 34 Second MOTION for Extension of Time to February 8, 2010 to Respond to Defendant's Motion for New Trial or Remittitur (Unopposed) by All Plaintiffs.(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 01/26/2010) 01/28/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 34 Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant's Motion for New Trial to 2/8/10 (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 01/28/2010) 02/01/2010 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Hearing on 26 MOTION for New Trial or Remittitur (Civ. Act. No. 07-cv-11446, document #26), and all pending motions, including, Plaintiffs' Motion for Costs and Fees Under Rule 37(a)(5) (Civ. Act. No. 03-cv-11661, document #851); Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Defense Counsel to Cease Unauthorized Recording Activities, to Cease Publication of Discovery Materials and for Sanctions (Civ. Act. No. 03-cv-11661, document #865). Motion Hearing set for 2/16/2010 09:30 AM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner.(Molloy, Maryellen) (Entered: 02/01/2010) 02/04/2010 35 MOTION for Hearing Rescheduling by Joel Tenenbaum.(Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/04/2010) 02/08/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered GRANTING 35 JOINT Motion to Continue Mtn Hearing....motion hearing reset from 2/16/10 to 2/23/10 at 3:15pm in ctrm #2, 3rd floor. Hearing will be held on MOTION for New Trial or Remittitur (Civ. Act. No. 07-cv-11446, document #26), and all pending motions. (Molloy, Maryellen) (Entered: 02/08/2010) 02/08/2010 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Hearing on Motion 26 MOTION for New Trial : Motion Hearing reset to 2/23/2010 03:15 PM in Courtroom 2 before Judge Nancy Gertner. (Molloy, Maryellen) (Entered: 02/08/2010) 02/08/2010 36 Opposition re 26 MOTION for New Trial or Remittitur filed by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-C, # 2 Exhibit D Part 1, # 3 Exhibit D Part 2, # 4 Exhibit D Part 3, # 5 Exhibit D Part 4, # 6 Exhibit D Part 5, # 7 Exhibit D Part 6, # 8 Exhibit D Part 7, # 9 Exhibit D Part 8, # 10 Exhibit D Part 9, # 11 Exhibit E, # 12 Exhibit F, # 13 Exhibit G, # 14 Exhibit H-O)(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 02/08/2010) 02/18/2010 37 First MOTION for Leave to File Reply by Joel Tenenbaum.(Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/18/2010) 02/18/2010 38 REPLY to Response to 26 MOTION for New Trial, 37 First MOTION for Leave to File Reply filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/18/2010) 02/18/2010 39 NOTICE by All Plaintiffs of Withdrawal of Motion for Sanctions (Doc. No. 865 in Civ. Act. No. 03-cv-11661-NG) (Burton, Eve) (Entered: 02/18/2010) 02/18/2010 Judge Nancy Gertner: Electronic ORDER entered granting 37 Motion for Leave to File Reply; Counsel using the Electronic Case Filing System should now file the document for which leave to file has been granted in accordance with the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures. Counsel must include - Leave to file granted on (date of order)- in the caption of the document. (Patch, Christine) (Entered: 02/18/2010) 02/18/2010 40 REPLY to Response to 26 MOTION for New Trial filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/18/2010) 02/23/2010 41 Judge Nancy Gertner: Joint Stipulated ORDER Regarding Motion for Sanctions entered. (Hourihan, Lisa) (Entered: 02/24/2010) 02/23/2010 Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Nancy Gertner: Motion Hearing held on 2/23/2010 re 26 MOTION for New Trial filed by Joel Tenenbaum. All matters taken under advisement. (Court Reporter: O'Hara.)(Attorneys present: Atty Nesson, Oppenheim, Pariser, Reynolds) (Molloy, Maryellen) (Entered: 02/25/2010) 03/08/2010 42 Transcript of Hearing held on February 23, 2010, before Judge Gertner. Court Reporter: Valerie A. O'Hara at 617/737-2346. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 3/29/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 4/8/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 6/7/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 03/08/2010) 03/08/2010 43 NOTICE is hereby given that an official transcript of a proceeding has been filed by the court reporter in the above-captioned matter. Counsel are referred to the Court's Transcript Redaction Policy, a copy of which is attached to this entry.. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 03/08/2010) 03/08/2010 44 NOTICE by All Plaintiffs of Filing of Affidavit in Support of Expenses (see Doc. No. 851, Case No. 03-11661) and Request for Order Directing Payment (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Eve G. Burton)(Burton, Eve) (Entered: 03/08/2010) 03/22/2010 45 Notice of Supplemental Authorities re 26 MOTION for New Trial and in Further Support of Plaintiffs' Response in Opposition Thereto (Doc No. 36) filed by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Reynolds, Timothy) (Entered: 03/22/2010) 03/26/2010 46 Judge Nancy Gertner: ORDER entered. The Court hereby ORDERS the defendant, Joel Tenenbaum, and his attorney, Charles Nesson, to pay plaintiffs Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Nine And 00/100 Dollars ($2,249.00) as reasonable expenses incurred in making the plaintiffs motion to compel. Both the defendant and his attorney shall be jointly and severally liable for making this payment to the plaintiffs.(GAM) (Entered: 03/26/2010) 07/09/2010 47 Judge Nancy Gertner: MEMORANDUM ORDER entered granting in part and denying in part 26 Motion for New Trial (GAM) (Entered: 07/09/2010) 07/09/2010 48 Judge Nancy Gertner: AMENDED JUDGMENT, ENTERED. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED THAT: Judgment is entered in favor plaintiffs and against defendants as follows: 1. Sony BMG Music Entertainment: Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty And 00/100 Dollars ($11,250.00) for the five sound recordings; 2. Warner Bros. Records, Inc.,; Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred And 00/100 Dollars ($22,500.00) for the ten sound recordings; 3. Arista Records LLC; Four Thousand Five Hundred And 00/100 Dollars ($4,500.00) for the two sound recordings; and, 4. UMG Recordings, Inc.; Twenty-Nine Thousand Two Hundred Two Hundred Fifty And 00/100 Dollars ($29,250.00) for the thirteen sound recordings...(Boyce, Kathy) (Entered: 07/09/2010) 07/21/2010 49 US District Court Clerk to deliver official record to Court of Appeals by 8/10/2010. NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 48 Judgment,, by All Plaintiffs Filing fee: $ 455, receipt number 0101-2995085 Fee Status: N. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: A Transcript Report/Order Form, which can be downloaded from the First Circuit Court of Appeals web site at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/clerks/transcript.htm MUST be completed and submitted to the Court of Appeals. Counsel shall register for a First Circuit CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/cmecf. Counsel shall also review the First Circuit requirements for electronic filing by visiting the CM/ECF Information section at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/efiling.htm. (Reynolds, Timothy) (Entered: 07/21/2010) 07/21/2010 50 Certified and Transmitted Abbreviated Electronic Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 49 Notice of Appeal, (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 07/21/2010) 07/21/2010 USCA Case Number 10-1883 for 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by All Plaintiffs. (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 07/21/2010) 07/30/2010 51 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 48 Judgment,, by Joel Tenenbaum Filing fee: $ 455, receipt number 0101-3007070 Fee Status: n. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: A Transcript Report/Order Form, which can be downloaded from the First Circuit Court of Appeals web site at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/clerks/transcript.htm MUST be completed and submitted to the Court of Appeals. Counsel shall register for a First Circuit CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/cmecf. Counsel shall also review the First Circuit requirements for electronic filing by visiting the CM/ECF Information section at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/efiling.htm. US District Court Clerk to deliver official record to Court of Appeals by 8/19/2010. (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 07/30/2010) 08/10/2010 52 Certified and Transmitted Abbreviated Electronic Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 51 Notice of Appeal, (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 08/10/2010) 08/10/2010 USCA Case Number 10-1947 for 51 Notice of Appeal, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 08/10/2010) 08/11/2010 TRANSCRIPT ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM received from USCA and addressed to Valerie OHara re 51 Notice of Appeal,,, Transcript order form filed in USCA on August 11, 2010. Transcript ordered: 2/8/05 Hearing (04-12434) and 7/27/09 - 7/30/09 Trial transcripts. Transcripts due by 10/12/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/12/2010) 08/26/2010 53 Transcript of Jury Trial Day One held on July 27, 2009, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 54 REDACTED Transcript of Jury Trial Day Two held on July 28, 2009, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/13/2010: # 1 Redacted) (Scalfani, Deborah). Modified on 12/13/2010 (Scalfani, Deborah). (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 55 Transcript of Jury Trial Day Three held on July 29, 2009, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 56 REDACTED Transcript of Jury Trial Day Four held on July 30, 2009, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/13/2010: # 1 Redacted) (Scalfani, Deborah). Modified on 12/13/2010 (Scalfani, Deborah). (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 57 Transcript of Jury Trial Day Five held on July 31, 2009, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 58 Transcript of Hearing in associated case #04-12434-NG held on February 2, 2006, before Judge Nancy Gertner. COA Case No. 10-1883. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Valerie OHara at 617-737-2346 Redaction Request due 9/16/2010. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/27/2010. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/24/2010. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/26/2010) 08/26/2010 59 NOTICE is hereby given that an official transcript of a proceeding has been filed by the court reporter in the above-captioned matter. Counsel are referred to the Court's Transcript Redaction Policy, a copy of which is attached to this entry.. (Scalfani, Deborah) (Entered: 08/26/2010) 09/03/2010 60 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 48 Judgment,, by United States of America Fee Status: US Government. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: A Transcript Report/Order Form, which can be downloaded from the First Circuit Court of Appeals web site at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/clerks/transcript.htm MUST be completed and submitted to the Court of Appeals. Counsel shall register for a First Circuit CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/cmecf. Counsel shall also review the First Circuit requirements for electronic filing by visiting the CM/ECF Information section at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/efiling.htm. US District Court Clerk to deliver official record to Court of Appeals by 9/23/2010. (Risner, Scott) (Entered: 09/03/2010) 09/03/2010 61 Certified and Transmitted Abbreviated Electronic Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 60 Notice of Appeal, (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/03/2010) 09/07/2010 USCA Case Number 10-2052 for 60 Notice of Appeal, filed by United States of America. (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/07/2010) 09/07/2010 62 NOTICE of Intent to Request Redaction by Timothy M. Reynolds re 56 Transcript - Appeal, 54 Transcript - Appeal, (Reynolds, Timothy) (Entered: 09/07/2010) 09/17/2010 63 Transcript Redaction Request re 56 Transcript - Appeal, 54 Transcript - Appeal, by attorney Timothy M. Reynolds. (Reynolds, Timothy) (Entered: 09/17/2010) 09/19/2011 64 OPINION of USCA as to 60 Notice of Appeal, filed by United States of America, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by All Plaintiffs, 51 Notice of Appeal, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. Opinion issued in the USCA 9/16/2011 (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/19/2011) 09/19/2011 65 USCA Judgment as to 60 Notice of Appeal, filed by United States of America, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by All Plaintiffs, 51 Notice of Appeal, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. This cause came on to be heard on appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and was argued by counsel. Upon consideration whereof, it is now here ordered, adjudged and decreed as follows: The district court's finding of liability against defendant Joel Tenenbaum and in favor of plaintiffs is affirmed. The district court entry of injunctive relief is affirmed. The district court's due process damages ruling is vacated, and the district court's reduction of the jury's statutory damages award is reversed. The jury's award of damages is reinstated. The matter is remanded to the district court for consideration of plaintiff's motion for common law remittitur based on excessiveness and for further proceedings consistent with the opinion issued this day. Costs are awarded to plaintiff's. Judgment issued in the USCA 9/16/2011 (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/19/2011) 11/30/2011 66 MANDATE of USCA as to 60 Notice of Appeal, filed by United States of America, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by All Plaintiffs, 51 Notice of Appeal, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. Appeal 60 , 49 , 51 Terminated (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 11/30/2011) 11/30/2011 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Reassignment. Judge Rya W. Zobel added. Judge Nancy Gertner no longer assigned to case. (Farrell, Robert) (Entered: 11/30/2011) 11/30/2011 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Hearing. Status Conference set for 12/13/2011 02:45 PM in Courtroom 12 before Judge Rya W. Zobel. (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 11/30/2011) 12/01/2011 Case Reopened per 66 (Duong, Diep) (Entered: 12/01/2011) 12/08/2011 67 MOTION to appear at the December 13, 2011 status conference by telephone by United States of America.(Bennett, Michelle) (Entered: 12/08/2011) 12/08/2011 68 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Appearance by Mary T. Sullivan (Sullivan, Mary) (Entered: 12/08/2011) 12/09/2011 Judge Rya W. Zobel: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting 67 Motion to participate by phone (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 12/09/2011) 12/12/2011 Set/Reset Hearings: Status Conference set for 12/13/2011 02:30 PM in Courtroom 12 before Judge Rya W. Zobel. (Time change only) (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 12/12/2011) 12/13/2011 69 Assented to MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Paul D. Clement Filing fee: $ 50, receipt number 0101-3714120 by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Cloherty, Daniel) (Entered: 12/13/2011) 12/13/2011 ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Rya W. Zobel: Status Conference held on 12/13/2011; defendants memo 1/3/12; plaintiff's and Goverment's memo 1/27/12; reply 2/6/12; Memo 30 pages; and reply 5 pages; Hearing set for 2/22/2012 02:00 PM in Courtroom 12 before Judge Rya W. Zobel.). (Court Reporter: No Court Reporter Used.)(Attorneys present: various) (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 12/13/2011) 12/14/2011 Judge Rya W. Zobel: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting 69 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Paul D. Clement. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must register for electronic filing. To register go to the Court website at www.mad.uscourts.gov. Select Case Information, then Electronic Filing (CM/ECF) and go to the CM/ECF Registration Form. (Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 12/14/2011) 01/03/2012 70 BRIEF by Joel Tenenbaum Defendant's Opening Brief on Remand . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 01/03/2012) 01/27/2012 71 MEMORANDUM OF LAW by United States of America. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Risner, Scott) (Entered: 01/27/2012) 01/27/2012 72 MEMORANDUM OF LAW by All Plaintiffs. (Clement, Paul) (Entered: 01/27/2012) 02/06/2012 73 Defendant's Reply Brief to Plaintiff's Memorandum of Points and Authorities Response by Joel Tenenbaum to 72 Memorandum of Law . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/06/2012) 02/06/2012 74 Defendant's Reply Brief to Intervenor United States' Memorandum on Remand Response by Joel Tenenbaum to 71 Memorandum of Law . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/06/2012) 02/13/2012 75 MOTION to Strike , or in the Alternative, to Disregard Defendant's Reply Briefs by All Plaintiffs.(Cloherty, Daniel) (Entered: 02/13/2012) 02/16/2012 76 First RESPONSE to Motion re 75 MOTION to Strike , or in the Alternative, to Disregard Defendant's Reply Briefs filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/16/2012) 02/22/2012 ELECTRONIC Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Judge Rya W. Zobel: Hearing held on 2/22/2012. Judge hears counsel and takes matter under advisement; (Court Reporter: Catherine Handel at 617-261-0555.)(Attorneys present: various) (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 02/24/2012) 02/27/2012 77 Letter/request (non-motion) from Charles Nesson, Counsel for Joel Tenenbaum . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 02/27/2012) 03/02/2012 78 Letter/request (non-motion) from Plaintiffs' counsel . (Cloherty, Daniel) (Entered: 03/02/2012) 06/05/2012 79 MOTION Further Submission by Joel Tenenbaum.(Feinberg, Matthew) (Entered: 06/05/2012) 06/05/2012 80 AMENDED DOCUMENT by Joel Tenenbaum. Amended Further Submission re Document No. 79 . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 06/05/2012) 07/06/2012 81 MOTION to Strike Defendant's Amended Further Submission by All Plaintiffs.(Cloherty, Daniel) (Entered: 07/06/2012) 08/23/2012 82 Judge Rya W. Zobel: ORDER entered granting 75 Motion to Strike ; granting 81 Motion to Strike (Urso, Lisa) (Entered: 08/23/2012) 09/17/2012 83 NOTICE OF APPEAL of ORDER entered granting 75 Motion to Strike ; granting 81 Motion to Strike by Joel Tenenbaum Filing fee: $ 455, receipt number 0101-4117524 Fee Status: Not Exempt. NOTICE TO COUNSEL: A Transcript Report/Order Form, which can be downloaded from the First Circuit Court of Appeals web site at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov MUST be completed and submitted to the Court of Appeals. Counsel shall register for a First Circuit CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/cmecf . Counsel shall also review the First Circuit requirements for electronic filing by visiting the CM/ECF Information section at http://www.ca1.uscourts.gov/efiling.htm . US District Court Clerk to deliver official record to Court of Appeals by 10/9/2012. (Nesson, Charles) Modified on 9/18/2012 (Johnson, Jay). (Entered: 09/17/2012) 09/19/2012 84 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE pursuant to LR 5.2 by Joel Tenenbaum re 83 Notice of Appeal,,, . (Nesson, Charles) (Entered: 09/19/2012) 09/24/2012 85 Certified and Transmitted Abbreviated Electronic Record on Appeal to US Court of Appeals re 83 Notice of Appeal, (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/24/2012) 09/24/2012 86 USCA Case Number 12-2146 for 83 Notice of Appeal, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. (Ramos, Jeanette) (Entered: 09/24/2012) 06/25/2013 87 OPINION of USCA as to 83 Notice of Appeal filed by Joel Tenenbaum. AFFIRMED... (Paine, Matthew) (Entered: 06/26/2013) 06/25/2013 88 USCA Judgment as to 83 Notice of Appeal filed by Joel Tenenbaum. AFFIRMED... (Paine, Matthew) (Entered: 06/26/2013) 09/03/2013 89 MANDATE of USCA as to 83 Notice of Appeal,,, filed by Joel Tenenbaum. Appeal 83 Terminated (Danieli, Chris) (Entered: 09/04/2013)
个人分类: 法律|10411 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 法教: 法网恢恢,无所遁形(1)
热度 8 岳东晓 2015-6-13 09:28
【未经书面许可、不得转载,违者必究】 有次我从中国回到加州家中,刚刚进门不久,就有人按门铃,我开门一看,两位年轻人问我是否岳先生,我答曰是,两人立刻拿出一个东西晃了一下,就像电影中 FBI 亮出证件的镜头,说是 DHS的 特工 (special agent)。为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门。虽然来人是国土安全部的特务,我毅然问道,让我仔细瞧瞧你们的证件。仔细查阅之后,确实不错。两特务问能否入屋内一述,我答道没有必要吧,就在门口。两名特务这才向我说明来意。 原来我当时有一个网络服务,可以让人创建论坛,平时我也不去管它,结果有国际犯罪分子利用它交换一些违法信息。这两名特工是来向我传递一张传票,让我交出一个涉嫌犯罪的论坛某某、某某ID的IP地址以及其他数据,最好是下载下来,再交给他们。 等特工们走后,我仔细阅读了相关传票,再查了下相关法律,几乎出了一身冷汗。按相关法律,我如果下载这些数据,可能就有问题。于是我立刻打电话找了 DHS 的负责的特务小组领导,说会全力配合,但你可不能找我麻烦啊。那人说道,你也是受害者,我们当然不会找你麻烦。我又问道,我看这坛子里这些人很嚣张啊,语言很黄很暴力。那位特务组长说道,你不必惊慌,网上这种语言暴力的,现实中往往是孬种,只好躲在计算机后面跑网上发泄来了。 饶是如此,我也不敢下载相关文件到我的计算机上。怎么办呢? 突然我心生一计,干脆把服务器上的论坛复制了一份,把管理权限交给那位特务组长,让他自己去研究好了。 在之后的半年多时间内,我时常接到特务组长的电话,询问我论坛操作、管理的技术问题,我当然是耐心、温和地详细讲解。有一天,我又收到他的电话,他似乎很高兴,说谢谢我的帮助云云。我想应该是顺藤摸瓜抓了一批,立功了。此后,他没有再找过我。 特务组长通过论坛管理获取的信息无非就是对方的 IP 地址。 一般来说, IP 地址本身并非隐私信息,但IP地址后面对应的这个用户却是隐私。而要获得这个用户信息往往要向 ISP 发出传票。很多网络侵犯版权案的被告就是这样被挖出来的。我认识一个人就是,某天突然收到一封信,说经查你在网络共享某某电影,请交若干美金,否则将起诉你。我认识的那人算是比较懂法的,立刻把钱交了。有一些企图反抗的,但大部分都没能逃过,反而越陷越深。明尼苏达有个女的为此打了几年官司,法官也同情她,第一次审判陪审团判决她赔偿几十万,法官说有误,重申,结果新陪审团判决他赔偿几百万。。。有个学生也是企图反抗,结果被判决赔偿几十万。 一旦传票送到 ISP ,后者不能置之不理,否则就是藐视法庭,相关人员可能要坐牢了。收到传票后,ISP 有三个选择:(1)乖乖将用户数据交出;(2)ISP 自己上法院反对传票;(3)给一定时间让用户自己去法院反对传票,用户如果在传票规定时间内没上法院再交出数据。选择(1)显然最省事。选择(2),ISP自己还要花钱,一般是不会去做的。选择(3) 比较有趣,用户到目前为止是匿名的,他或者她上法院反对传票,那不就现身了吗? 为了保持匿名,选择(3)中的用户如果要反对传票只能通过律师。但这个往往也无法成功。弗罗里达有个案子, Malibu Media, LLC v. Doe, Case No. 2:14-CV-154 (M.D. Fla. June 24, 2014) 。该匿名用户试图辩解说 IP地址无法锁定个人:【 Defendant now moves to quash the subpoena on grounds that the information sought from the third party subpoena—the name, address and telephone number of the person to whom the IP address is assigned—is not capable of identifying the person who allegedly committed the infringement. Doc. 10 at 2-3. Defendant further argues that the IP address "cannot be traced to a single person as it represents a gateway through which many users connect and receive data" and "cannot be used as the basis of identifying a Defendant for the purposes of the Plaintiffs lawsuit." 】 结果被法院简单驳回,【 Plaintiff is entitled to seek discovery of any relevant, non-privileged matter. Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). Information is "relevant" for Rule 26 purposes when it "appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." Id. Thus, the identifying information of the person to whom the ISP assigned the IP address responsible for the alleged infringement is both relevant and discoverable.】法律允许原告索取可能顺藤摸瓜到证据的相关信息,并不一定要是证据本身。 你说你没有违法是吧? 那你上法院解释一下不行么? 把计算机交出来,给检查一下,发现没有违法证据而且没有销毁证据的迹象,法律也不会冤枉你。 【未经书面许可、不得转载,违者必究】
个人分类: 法律|7692 次阅读|13 个评论


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