The very thought of you makes my heart sing 每当想起你的时候总压抑不住内心的狂喜 Like an April breeze on the wings of spring 仿若四月的微风乘着暖春的翅膀轻拂脸庞 And you appear in all your splendor 你的每次到来,总闪亮着熠熠光彩 My one and only love 我唯一的爱 The shadows fall and spread their mystic charms 夜阑人静,倩影落下,散发着神秘的妩媚 In the hush of night while you’re in my arms 夜色如水,拥抱着你,爱在怀里温柔燃烧 I feel your lips so warm and tender 你的双唇竟是如此般温润柔软 My one and only love 我唯一的爱 The touch of your hand is like heaven 你的爱抚让我仿若置身天堂 A heaven that I’ve never known 那是一种我不曾体验过的无法言喻的极致 The blush on your cheek whenever I speak 每当我说话时,你脸颊上总会情不自禁地涌现出两抹绯红 Tells me that you are my own 我深知,你是我的 You fill my eager heart with such desire 我那等爱的灵魂,充盈着对你的深深渴望 Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire 你的每一个亲吻,都让它燃起了熊熊爱火 I give myself in sweet surrender 我被你的甜蜜彻底征服了 My one and only love 我唯一的爱 My one and only love 我唯一的爱