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玫瑰红茶的个人空间 http://zzwave.com/upload/?2164 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



2012-9-20 12:14
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be ...

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回复 玫瑰红茶 2012-9-20 12:15
I would break my fam'ly's heart

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
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