

分享 光,声
MingHao 2024-3-17 09:40
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分享 礼貌举止
MingHao 2023-12-11 09:03
Manners are often considered a reflection of a person's upbringing, cultural background, and education level. Good manners generally involve showing respect, consideration, and politeness toward others. Here's how manners can be connected to one's class and education level: Upbringing and Famil ...
个人分类: AI|325 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Ethics 道德伦理
MingHao 2023-12-9 04:31
Ethics refers to the principles of right and wrong that guide individuals or groups in making decisions and behaving responsibly. It encompasses moral principles, values, and standards of conduct that govern human behavior. Ethics is a fundamental aspect of various fields, including ...
个人分类: AI|328 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 what is being progressive like
MingHao 2023-12-8 09:01
ChatGPT ChatGPT Being progressive generally refers to having a forward-thinking and open-minded approach to social, political, economic, and cultural issues. Progressivism is characterized by a willingness to embrace change, advoc ...
个人分类: AI|313 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 数学训练对少年成长有什么好处
MingHao 2023-11-28 05:32
What personal traits does MATH training provide for teens ? ChatGPT ChatGPT Engaging in mathematics training can offer numerous benefits for teenagers, extending beyond just acquiring mathematical skills. Here are some personal traits that teens ma ...
个人分类: AI|444 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Newport Rosecliff Mansion
MingHao 2023-11-28 02:27
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theresa_Fair_Oelrichs Rosecliff is a historic mansion in Newport, Rhode Island, and it was originally commissioned by Theresa Fair Oelrichs. Rosecliff was completed in 1902, and Theresa Fair Oelrichs, a silver heiress, was one of its first owners. She built t ...
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分享 The Breakers, Cornelius Vanderbilt II, Southern Pacific RR, Chinese labors
MingHao 2023-11-28 02:22
The mansion you are likely referring to is The Breakers, which was the summer home of Cornelius Vanderbilt II. Cornelius Vanderbilt II was the grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt, a prominent American industrialist and philanthropist. The Vanderbilt family amassed significant wealth through their ...
个人分类: AI|374 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 what makes ones more ambitious than others ?
MingHao 2023-11-27 10:17
ChatGPT ChatGPT Ambition can be influenced by a variety of factors, and individuals may differ in their level of ambition due to a combination of inherent traits, experiences, and external influences. Here are some factors that can contribute ...
个人分类: AI|499 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 贴标签,扣帽子是消极的辩论方式
MingHao 2023-11-22 10:20
在辩论中,一些人喜欢给对手贴标签以占据上风。这种做法通常是一种修辞手段,其目的是通过给对手贴上特定的标签或描述,以影响观众对他们的看法。这可能是一种人身攻击的形式,重点在于抹黑对方而非解决其论点的实质。虽然这可能在左右观点方面具有一定效果,但总体而言,这不是一种建设性或诚实的辩论方式。以下是辩论中 ...
个人分类: AI|587 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Legacy of Opium Wars
MingHao 2023-10-29 10:22
Legacy of Opium Wars ChatGPT The Opium Wars were a series of two conflicts that took place in the mid-19th century between China and Western powers, primarily Great Britain, and to a lesser extent, France. These wars had a profound and las ...
个人分类: AI|514 次阅读|0 个评论


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