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分享 南北战争促使林肯下决心修铁路
MingHao 2024-8-28 09:52
Chatgpt: "the American Civil War played a significant role in President Abraham Lincoln’s decision to support the construction of the transcontinental railroad. Several factors related to the war influenced this decision: 1. Strategic Military Importance During the Civil War, t ...
39826 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tontine Buiding Wall ST NY
MingHao 2024-8-28 09:44
515 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 总工程师不敌贪官太平洋铁路4大巨头
MingHao 2024-8-28 09:26
Theodore Judah came to distrust the "Big Four"—Collis P. Huntington, Mark Hopkins, Leland Stanford, and Charles Crocker—due to their increasingly manipulative business practices and differing priorities regarding the construction and financing of the Central Pacific Railroad. Here a ...
614 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Flushing Freedom Mile
MingHao 2024-8-28 00:32
19482 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 John Aspinwall小罗斯福奶奶家族
MingHao 2024-8-28 00:25
John Aspinwall in 1762. Aspinwall was a retired sea captain and a founder of St. George Church, located a few blocks away. During the American Revolution, the house was used as a headquarters for British officers. The house is also said to have been a station on the Underground Ra ...
469 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lyman Mansion in Boston
MingHao 2024-8-28 00:19
He was born in York, Maine, in 1753, the son of a minister. As a young man he went to work as a clerk in a Kennebunk store owned by Waldo Emerson (not writer) . He went into business with his boss and married his daughter, Sarah, in 1776. She was 14 . He was said to have planted elm t ...
463 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国国父们的毒品酒精问题
MingHao 2024-8-27 23:08
The Founding Fathers on Drugs and Alcohol Thanks to the Broadway smash hit, Hamilton, the founding fathers have leapt out of history books and into pop culture. The musical has dusted off the image of the men who helped shape the country, and while everything about these men’ ...
719 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Gilbert Aspinwall (小罗斯福家族)
MingHao 2024-8-27 22:24
(Flushing family 2 boys Gilbert , John formed dry good company (opium on Chinese)- William Henry Aspinwall inherited it and build Panama RR with Chinese labores) 荷兰人定居FLUSHING 儿子Gilbert Aspinwall, 和兄弟 John Aspinwall 办起公司 "Gilbert and John Aspinwall" ...
52734 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1854年,705华工到了巴拿马修铁路
MingHao 2024-8-27 21:23
1854年 705 Chinese arrived aboard the “Sea Witch” of the Holland and Aspinwall line on March30, 1854. Sailing from Shantou (China), 11 passengers had died during the 61-day trip. These ships were called “floating hells” because of the inhumane conditions of the journey. Later, many of ...
390 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 巴拿马运河地峡铁路中美贸易
MingHao 2024-8-27 21:02
小罗斯福奶奶的哥哥(法拉盛曾爷爷的儿子)开发巴拿马运河与铁路,运河区两个大城市 Panama City, Aspinwall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Henry_Aspinwall https://www.providence.org/about/providence-archives/history-online/historical-timelines/journey-to-a-mission/arrival-aspinwa ...
320 次阅读|0 个评论


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