PLA Army, Air Force drill near China-Myanmar border - Global Times
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PLA Army, Air Force drill near China-Myanmar border

Exercise 'deters conflict spillovers' from its neighbor

By Liu Xuanzun and Guo Yuandan Published: Aug 27, 2024 10:02 PM

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army and Air Force on Tuesday launched a joint live-fire exercise on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border following an armed patrol in the region.

Analysts said the moves aimed to deter any spillover from the ongoing conflict in northern Myanmar.

The PLA Southern Theater Command organized its army and air force to commence a joint live-action, conducting a live-fire exercise on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border which began on Tuesday, with the aim of testing the troops' capabilities in reconnaissance, early warning, multidimensional blockade and control, as well as fire strikes, Senior Colonel Tian Junli, a spokesperson of the PLA Southern Theater Command, said in a press release on Tuesday.

The theater command's troops are ready at all times to deal with any kind of emergencies, and will firmly safeguard national sovereignty, maintain stability along the borders, Tian said.

According to a notice released by the government of Southwest China's Yunnan Province on Monday, the exercise was set to last until Thursday and cover regions of the surrounding areas of Huyu and Wanding of Ruili city, Mengdui in Zhenkang township, and Mengding of Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County.

The exercise came after the PLA Southern Theater Command on Monday organized its army troops to conduct an armed border patrol in locations including Ruili and Zhenkang, which aimed to test the troops' capabilities in fast maneuvering, multidimensional blockade, control and joint strikes.

Compared with the armed patrol on Monday that featured only army troops, the exercise on Tuesday saw the participation of the air force, marking an expansion to a larger scale, a Chinese military expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times.

Cities and villages along the China-Myanmar border are very close to each other, and against the backdrop of a complicated situation in northern Myanmar, it cannot be ruled out that the ongoing conflict in the neighboring country could spill across the border, said the expert, who visited the China-Myanmar border recently.

The exercise served not only to enhance and test the PLA's capabilities, but also to deter potential spillovers, such as artillery shells exploding on the Chinese side, the expert said.

Zhang Junshe, another Chinese military expert, said that the PLA has further displayed its determination and capability in safeguarding border peace and stability.

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