

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

I thought it was a bit of foreshadowing when Bangladesh got two subs from PLAN
Replying to: Re:Bangladesh likely irrelevant, Burma game changer -- swoosh Post ReplyForum


08/11/2024, 07:45:20

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and Hasina named the new submarine base after herself. I wonder if and when it will be renamed. Hopefully whatever government they set up affter her is friendly to China. Burma should not be compared to Cuba, it's much bigger and can't be embargoed by sea if another Castro led pissed-off revolutionaries to establilsh an unfriendly government. Myanmar has been suffering from some sort of civil conflict since independence with numerous ethnic armies controlling land, and can't really be said to be a unified state unlike Cuba. On the other hand nationalistic groups, particularly the ethnic Bamars, won't like it if they percieve their country to be tunring into a Chinese puppet. The last three dynasties (Yuan, Ming, and Qing) all had a history of invading Burma. I'm sure the people remember that.

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