Four 055.

055 and 052D.

Two 055 and two 052D.

The ninth 055 has been launched.

Sovernmeny and 052D.

Upgraded Sovernmeny and two 054A.

Fourth batch 054A.

054A firing Yu-8 ASW.

054A new batch firing HQ-16C.

From left to right HQ-16A, HQ-16B, HQ-16C, HQ-16FE. 054A use HQ-16A to HQ-16C, 054B will use HQ-16FE.

Upgraded 052B, three 054A, two 052D, and in the distance two 071, a 075, and some ships in between.

Three 054A.

The first 054B.

The second 054B will launch soon, before the end of this year.

054B's S-band APAR radar.

052D's new X-band APAR radar.

001 after minor refit.

003 with clean deck.

Fourth 075.


039 and 039B.

093B model.

Model of 093B with 18 VL missile.

Model of 093B and 094B.

Illustration of 094A.

Related link: PLAN update Sep 2023