Taking Penghu islands is about as useful as shooting Taiwan in the leg
Replying to: China can work with other countries, -- Khan Post ReplyForum

Canis Majoris

08/12/2022, 07:12:33

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instead of in the face. Your decision as President of China will have granted the US a massive and unnecessary gift by rallying the whole fvcking world around Taiwan, and you can expect any future invasion to be that much harder economically and geopolitically. Even if the US doesn't intervene militarily, US and the rest of the world will long have already imposed economic sanctions (that didn't need to happen at all) which will have decreased China's economic, military, and geopolitical resources prior to an actual invasion of Taiwan, where it would need them the most. Xi was exactly right on in ordering military exercises and performing a semi-blockade of Taiwan instead of invading Penghu. It got the point across definitively without something as ridiculous as actually attacking Taiwanese-held territory and inviting condemnation and retribution. If you disagree you can go argue with Xi yourself ROFLMAO

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