China can work with other countries,
Replying to: climate change is a global issue -- swoosh Post ReplyForum


08/12/2022, 06:46:45

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or even by itself, on "climate change." It is mainly about emitting as little CO2, or methane, as possible. Doing that means switching to alternative energy sources-- especially renewable energy sources. Doing so is in China's own self-interest even without cooperating with others.


I don't think China should be concerned about "looking bad." Since when did murrika worried about "looking bad?"

"If you’ve ever wondered how the the US is so successful in getting other nations around the world to align with its interests, this is how. It’s not that the US is a good actor on the world stage or a kind friend to its allies, it’s that it will destroy you if you disobey it.

"Australia is not aligned with the US to protect itself from China. Australia is aligned with the US to protect itself from the US. As a Twitter follower recently observed, the US doesn’t have allies, only hostages."

Still, the pressitutes of the white West continue to bad-mouth China and praise murrika. It is a RACE thing-- 鬼鬼相衛. What China needs to do is to attain the power to make those who defy its will pay. So far, China is rather restrained because its power is still limited.


China should form informal alliances with North Korea, Iran, Russia, etc in its own fight against the white Western race in appropriate times.


The last point I want to repeat is that I believe China should have taken the Penghu Islands for the resaons I stated in one of my previous posts. Doing it would be equivalent to islands-building in the SCS. Judging from the reactions of murrika during this latest military drill around Taiwan, it seems to me that murrika would not have risked a full scale war for those islands. Maybe, Beijing saw something deeper than I can.

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