a lot of questions
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cyber horse

07/24/2022, 16:36:55

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To start, how did they do it? Was it with sensors and radar, then plugged into more advanced micro-chips (algorithms) ... whereby they were able to achieve Level-4 automation on that driving scale?

The 6 Levels of Vehicle Autonomy Explained


Then what about the standards of this machine that drives itself? I remember there was this V2X thing, but do not know too much about it or how it is used in this BaiDu robot-taxi.


Various players around the world agreed to such technical standards in principle, but now the Chinese are beginning to implement that and rolling it out in scale. The standards could be adjusted as this is something new. We learn more as we go along.

China is the first to do this in scale.

Found a paragraph on the internet discussing some of this regulatory input over these technical standards.


Clearly, a lot of questions regarding the 5G components of this machine.

For sure this self-driving Level-4 electric car, has to be connected to a network which has to be the standalone 5G network. How is that used?

Total silence, due to the tech war. They might mention 5G in passing when talking about this, there were rumours Huawei was interested in these autonomous car, but that is it.

What about those 5G standards, like network protocols, to make this robot-taxi run? Again, nothing but crickets!

This is the future, and it is arriving fast!

What do we know about it?

Very little. LOL!

Wasn't this part of Orwell's teachings, like ignorance is strength?

Oh well.

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