Naval missile system on display in Zhuhai Airshow. See that elephant in the room?

Let's get to it first. HT-1E is a universal VLS system supporting both hot and cold launch of various type of missiles. From CM-103, HHQ-9E, CM-802B, to FM-3000N four in one cell SAM.

VLS system used on 054A.

Shore based launch vehicle. There's also container based launch system.

CM-401, anti-ship missile.


YJ-12E supersonic anti-ship missile with 290 KM range.

CM-802B and FM-3000N.

FM-3000N anti-air missile with up to 45 km range. Can be put four-in-one cell in HT-1E universal VLS. Even 4-in-1 missile has 45 km range, HHQ-16B easily double this range. Granted, 45 km is the slant range, assume 45° angle, the horizontal range is 32 km.

CM-802B is a sub-sonic anti-ship missile with 290 km range. When CM-802B, YJ-18E, YJ-12E has the same range, you know they're artificially capped.

YJ-18E sub-sonic + terminal supersonic anti-ship missile with 290 km range. Of course we know such range is for export version only. PLAN version has double the range.


World smallest PAR boat with SAM. Length 15 m, beam 4.8 m, displacement 20 ton. Can carry out anti-ship, ASW, or air defence mission.

HQ-9BE, export version of HQ-9B with 260 km range. PLA's HQ-9B and PLAN's HHQ-9B definitely has range greater than 260 km.



LD-730 in new platform, compared to the old version of LD-730, it has less blind spot.


AAM converted SAM, TY-20I, SD-10A, TY-20R.