The 056/056A are low cost frigate or corvette built to replace the 037 series, look behind 557.

After 72 ships were built, there will be no subsequent batch. Instead of new 056B or other replacement, they will simply be replaced by 054A. Yes that's the new batch of 20 ship of the 054A.

Comparing 054A and 056.

The 31th 054A in construction.

The 31st 054A was launched in early Jul.

The 32th 054A close to launch.

The 32nd 054A is launched today, Aug 1. In addition another 054AP for Pakistan Navy is also launched today.

Four more new 054A under construction in the dock. This new batch consist of 20 ships will bring 054A total number to 50 ships, not counting 054.

Comparison of the new batch of 054A with older 054A.

PLAN is reshuffling the penant number of its frigates. The 056/056A will take on penant number starting with digit 6, while larger frigate 054A will take on penant number starting with digit 5. Case in point, existing 056A Qujing originally penant 508, will be reassigned as 668.

056A Qujing originally has penant 508. It will be reassigned as 668. There're 42 056/56A starting with digit 5 in their penant that has to be reassigned.

Meanwhile 054A has only one ship starting with digit 6, the 601 has already been reassigned as 533.

The new batch of 054A, from the 31th ship onwards is said to have upgraded from YJ-83 to YJ-12. Although this remain to be seen, YJ-12 has replaced YJ-83 onboard 052 Shenzhen 167 as well as the Sunburn of Sovernmeny class. YJ-12 looks like a universal replacement of YJ-83 in PLAN service, from ship to PLAN aviation to coastal defence.

Ship launch YJ-12, a mach 3 supersonic anti-ship missile.

YJ-12 on H-6K.

H-6K in live launch of YJ-12 exercise.

Land based YJ-12 launched by coastal defence force.