J-20 en masse, showing J-20 production in full swing after switching to WS-10C.

It's 15 J-20 in formation flying rehearsal for the CCP 100th anniversary event.

J-20 in highland.

New aviation brigade in Anshan has received the J-20.

J-20 night training.

Y-20U refueling J-20.

Y-20U tanker has entered service. This mean Y-20U refueling J-20 above is now a reality, no longer a capability in test flight.

All the J-20 and Y-20 shown above are not in full spec, ie. their full design potential have not yet been realized without using the engine in their full specification, which are WS-15 and WS-20 respectively.
Y-20 prototype flying with D30 vs WS20.

Y-20 prototype flying with WS20.

Y-20 prototype with WS-20 is the full spec Y-20 capable of lifting 66 tons. I believe by next year it should be ready to enter service.

J-20 with the same type of TVC as shown in J-10B TVC demonstration flight in 2018 Zhuhai is posted on the web after Jun 24. Could this be the J-20 with WS-15, the full spec J-20 said to take first flight that day? Full spec J-20 will be a beast in terms of max thrust, combat thrust to weight ratio, supercruise, and with TVC, supermaneuverability as well.

Another source which is official, indicate that it's KJ-600 full spec milestone that day, presumably flying with the actual AWACS radar on Jun 24. It also affirm the Y-20U tanker has entered service.

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