

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Re: Sinbad, you really think there's little racism against wesernised Chinese?
Replying to: Sinbad, you really think there's little racism against wesernised Chinese? -- -Corsair- Post ReplyForum


02/07/2019, 01:16:21

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No doubt there is racism everywhere.  Racism against Chinese in North America is there too.  But the article about Chinese students being discriminated are most likely not about racism but cultural dissonance.  

Many Chinese in the West do not assimilate well into the mainstream culture and are seen as odd ones.  That doesn't mean it is racism.  Those that do,fit in pretty well. More so than Hispanics and Blacks.  In fact Chinese and other East Asians that fit in well enjoy white privileges that other non-whites will never get.

Chinese in general thrive in North America with plenty of opportunities.  Tendencies to work hard, save and plan for the future made the Chinese one of the more affluent group in the US. Living in a very "conservative" midwest town for more than a decade and I was treated fairly well.  Of course you will get the odd idiots calling your childish names but overall I was treated with respect and very well.  Blacks on the other hand were treated quite bad in that town.  I moved to the West Coast and still treated well.  I don't have to worry about cops stopping me for no reason.  I can walk into any businesses without being treated like a suspect.  I can apply for loans at any banks.  I can buy a house in any neighbourhoods without the neighbours freaking out.  I can eat at any restaurants and served with enthusiasm and respect. We are so successfull that we faced similar affirmative actions in college acceptance and other opportunities like the Whites.

Of course Chinese will face racism in the US.  There will always be racists everywhere but let's not kid ourselves and blame racism for many others issues that the Chinese face.  

Chinese racism against others is quite pronounced but are we going to blame every negative experience with Chinese people is due to racism?  A lot of times, it is mere cultural misunderstandinngs.

I have fought against racism against Chinese people for decades and at my age, I am wiser and can diiffrentiate the diiferences.  

Formerly Alecto. Truce Bro.....

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