

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

It won't hurt China as far as buying weapons but sanctions will hurt in some
Replying to: It wont hurt China, the PLA never buy arms from other countries except Russia -- .45 Post ReplyForum


09/25/2018, 16:37:32

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way.  You need to understand that China has spent billions of dollars in Africa builing roads, free ways, express ways, bridges, schools, hospitals and so forth.  China also provides low inerest loans as well as grants to Africans' goverments.  Billions more on Belt and Road Projects. Now, China is being hit by various sanctions under Trump's administration.  If the sanction lingers on, Americans will suffer too, but Chinese will suffer even more.  This is based on analyses from different experts. 

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