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How China Triumphed Over India, And Won The Battle As The World's Best And Bigge


07/21/2014, 13:43:53

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How China Triumphed Over India, And Won The Battle As The World's Best And Biggest Emerging Market 
by: Peter Fuhrman Disclosure: 
Twenty years ago, India, not China, was the object of my absolute and total focus. Back then, I was living in London and working as a European bureau chief for Forbes Magazine. In May 1994, a story I co-wrote called "Now We Are Our Own Masters" appeared on the cover of Forbes (click here to read the article). It was the first time a big American magazine took the risk to suggest India, after so many years of pathetic growth, famine and unending poverty, was ready for an economic take-off. It turned out to be a smart call. Since then, India's economy has surged, growing seven-fold while poverty has declined steeply.
I spent about a month in India researching the article, meeting with political and business leaders. It was my third trip to the country. The first had been in 1978, as a young backpacking college student, on my way back to the US from a summer in Taiwan studying Mandarin. The two most vivid memories of that first trip - nearly dying from untreated amoebic dysentery, and hiding out for days in a place called Aurangabad as masses of Indian men rioted on the streets against the forced sterilization policy of India Gandhi. (Life lesson learned at 19: political popularity will be short-lived wherever a leader orders men at gunpoint to undergo genital surgery.)
It took another three years before I first set foot in China. On a lot of levels, the two countries struck me then as similar back then, both in the extent of the obvious poverty as well as the shared disappointment some thirty years after each had gained full independence as socialist states under charismatic intellectual leaders, Jawarhalal Nehru in India and Mao Zedong in China.
China began its reform process a decade earlier than India. I caught the first stirrings in 1981. When I went to India in 1994 for the Forbes article, it still seemed plausible India might one day emerge as the larger, more vibrant of the two economies. China had suffered a sharp setback in 1989, during the Tianmen Square Protests of 1989, an event I witnessed first-hand in Beijing. At the same time, India had begun at last to liberalize and energize its over-regulated and inefficient state-run economy.
While India's growth has since surpassed my optimistic hopes in 1994, I firmly believe it will never rival China. This chart below shows how far the gap between the two has grown. Since 1994, China has all but left India behind in its tailpipe exhaust.
In per capita PPP terms, China is now almost 2.5 times wealthier than India. Year by year, the gap grows, as China's GDP expands faster than India's, while India's birth rate is now almost triple China's.
I haven't been back to India since 1994. I have no doubt it's changed out of all recognition. Changed for the better. Poverty is down. Exports are way up. It's biggest misfortune may be having to compete for capital, and for attention, with China.
Living full-time and working in China now for more than four years, I'm more impressed than ever how superbly China is engineered for rising prosperity. The comparisons I read between India and China generally give a lot of weight to the difference in political systems, between India's raucous federal democracy with dozens of parties and China's one-party centralized rule. The indisputable conclusion: sound economic policies are easier in China to design and execute.
The few times I've been asked to contrast the two countries, I prefer to focus on their most valuable long-term assets. India has English. China has Confucius.
India doesn't out-compete China in too many industries. But, in two of these - pharmaceuticals and computer software - English is probably the main reason. India's educated population is basically native fluent in the language. China has tried to make more of a game of it, especially in computer software and services. But, China is now and will likely remain an bit player in these two large, global high-margin industries.
India also has, overall, a more innovative financial services industry. This isn't really the result of widespread English, but the fact that India has a more open financial and currency system than China's.
Both nations benefit from having large diasporas. In India's case, it's a huge source of cash, with remittances of over $65 billion a year, equal to 4% of GDP. In China, the benefits are as much in kind as in cash. Companies owned or managed by ethnic Chinese from Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the US have been large corporate investors in China, with the capital matched by transfer of technologies and manufacturing know-how. This is an ever-renewing remittance, as money pours in each year to finance projects with solid long-term rates of return.
China's trump card, though, is its Confucian value system. Its potency as an economic force is amply demonstrated by the affluence of China's Confucian neighbors, not just Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, but South Korea and Japan. Its impact is measurable as well in the outsized economic clout of Chinese immigrants in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia. Free market capitalism and Confucianism. Anywhere in the world you find sustained economic success and rising prosperity, you will find at least one. In China, they are entwined in a kind of ideal synthesis.
India, too, has close-knit families and a tradition of thrift and obedience. Confucianism adds to these a reverence for education and practical problem-solving. It contains nothing transcendent, not much, if any, spiritual guidance for a soul-searcher make sense of his place in the cosmos. Honor your ancestors with burnt offerings, sweep their graves at least once-a-year and they'll grease the wheels of success in this life.
The Confucian system hasn't changed much for two thousand years. One vital adaptation over the last century, though, was to accept that women could, and should, play an active role outside the house, reaching the same educational level as men and joining the workforce in equal numbers. Here, India is woefully far behind. China's growth has been on steroids these past twenty years because its 650 million women have contributed exponentially more to economic growth and prosperity than India's.
Of the couple hundred stories I wrote while at Forbes, I'm probably proudest of this India cover story published twenty years ago. It may not seem like it now, but it was a gamble to suggest back then under my byline India was about to come out of its long economic coma. Imagine if instead I'd gone on the record 20 years ago to forecast the coming economic miracle in Russia, Mexico or South Africa - all countries back then seen by some to be "the next great emerging market". I heard afterward the article helped generate more interest in India's economic reforms and ultimately more investment in India by US multinationals. This grew about 30-fold in the ten years after the article appeared.
On a personal level, I made a larger, and I think even safer bet with my own professional life, to move to China and start a business here. Yes, India has English. I work every day in an alien tongue and in a culture steeped in Confucian values that play little or no part in my own ethical code. But, China was, is and shall long remain the great economic success story of all-time. I don't need someone else's magazine cover story to tell me that. I live it every day.
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Comments (322)
   Difference between China and India are very simple.
In China when Government wants growth it will get growth because it does not have to go to people every 4 years.
In India growth can only come through consensus and it is very difficult to achieve consensus. Developed country like USA saw how a lone senator Ted Cruz can scuttle a legislation.
In the Long run don't discount India population is still very young and demographics are destiny. 
4 Mar, 10:33 AMReplyLike0 
Mike Holt , contributor
Comments (1348)
   Thank you for sharing your insights developed over many years and through many unique experiences. I have looked at China through many lenses, and I'm aware that some credit is now given to Confucianism for China's success in contrast to previous years in which Confucianism was blamed for China's backwardness. However, I have never heard anyone place this much weight on Confucianism to explain the success of not only China, but many other Asian countries where Confucianism likewise exists. 
4 Mar, 01:31 PMReplyLike0 
New Superhuman , contributor
Comments (1036)
   "China was, is and shall long remain the great economic success story of all-time."
For what % of the population, and at what price? If you live in Beijing, for example, you are now choking yourself, and perhaps your family, to death. You more probably, I hope, live in Shanghai, which is much cleaner, but still hazardous to your health. 
4 Mar, 02:51 PMReplyLike0 
Peter Fuhrman , contributor
Comments (12)
   Author’s reply » On pollution, as godawful as it is in Beijing, it will somewhat undermine your argument to learn pollution is actually far worse in New Dehli. "Oh really?" you say in disbelief, "I didn't know that. The US media never mentions this." Good point and a relevant one. Why is it that the US media focuses so mightily on pollution in China and never really stops to notice it's worse in India? Could it be that a lot of what is packaged as "news" in the US about China, the kind of thing you and other investors may read or rely on, is at best somewhat out of context and at worst, wholly unreliable? If so, what then? What if what you hold to as emphatic truths ain't quite so? 
For the record, I live and work in Shenzhen. Not Shanghai. 
4 Mar, 06:20 PMReplyLike2 
haiguike , contributor
Comments (802)
   Peter, great to know that you are in Shenzhen. It is a young and vibrant city. For those of us that are familiar with and live and work in China, the biased western media news has become too old and typical. Heck, I don't even bother to reply anymore.
Like you, I have chosen to ride along with the gravy train. I know plenty of professional who have visited India. It's quite the opposite from the world presented in Bollywood.
Most people in the world believes India will surpass China by 2030. This was surveyed by an "China vs India" debate show in Singapore. The entire pros for India were only democracy, free speech, and demographics. People are that clueless or totally blinded by their agenda and bias. 
6 Mar, 05:12 AMReplyLike0 
alpine , contributor
Comments (605)
   Excellent, insightful article. It would be useful if the writer could expand on how he sees China's prospects over the next 3-5 years, given that "market intelligence" is so focused these days on China's weaknesses, such as the shadow banking system, and its long swooning stock markets, which is partly blamed on "manipulated" stock prices and fraudulent accounting practices. 
4 Mar, 09:34 PMReplyLike0 
sam101010 , contributor
Comment (1)
   When our government and president to set up an annually economy goal/ 
4 Mar, 10:30 PMReplyLike0 
darturtle , contributor
Comments (715)
   Jim Rogers did a good comparison between China and India after he travelled many times in the two places.
Besides what he said, I want to add - India is a democracy thus elections caused politicians hesitate; China doesn't have free elections thus while it has a OK government, things done more efficiently - such as 1 high speed rail in a year, etc. Dictatorship is more efficient but runs on luck - if you are lucky with a good capable dictator, you are lucky; on the other hand, you know ... 
5 Mar, 03:10 AMReplyLike0 
harshareddy798@gmail.com , contributor
Comments (2)
   indian politicians,beaurocrats are kleptocrats extracting capital from hard working indians. Crony capitalism and corrupt govt owned companies leave little for entrepeuners who create wealth and jobs 
5 Mar, 08:25 AMReplyLike0 
User 10454071 , contributor
Comments (3)
   China's growth and economic data has come under the microscope....many of these are manipulated and unverifiable, as independent third party scrutiny is not allowed by the communist party.Much of this is fudged up like the inflation data that has been deliberately suppressed to pump up the real GDP figures.
Anyway, China has hit the major bump on road to its vroom-vroom growth and the country will now struggle to survive without massive doses of investments....its curtains for the economy and the country, massive upheavels are underway that'll shake the country's foundation from bottom up. 
5 Mar, 08:33 AMReplyLike0 
darturtle , contributor
Comments (715)
   Travel through China and India, you can see differences yourself. One place has good super highways, high speed rail, good airport, easy to access Internet (show hotel your foreign passport, some hotel can connect your room to HK, bypass sensors...); while the other has barrow highways, outdated trains, elephants on road, poor Internet, ... of course democracy! 

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1)Japan the most developed EasianNation knows little english&Pinos speak english
Replying to: How China Triumphed Over India, And Won The Battle As The World's Best And Bigge -- warren Archive

Mao Clone

07/21/2014, 18:48:14

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2)As I posted b4, chinese grain production/capita back in 1977,just after the disastrous cultural revolution is 45% higher than that of bharat in 2012. That's a very significant difference. The only hindu saving grace is they have perfected their breatharian technology

3)The most informational adanced asian countries like japan,S korea, singapore couldn't care less about SW servicing or call centres.

The reason why many westerners draw such china vs bharat conclusion is that the brahmins run the the PR show in bharat and many outsiders fail to observe or investigate deeper

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Yindus have a racial advantage over Chinese people.
Replying to: 1)Japan the most developed EasianNation knows little english&Pinos speak english -- Mao Clone Archive


07/21/2014, 22:20:20

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Yindus have a greater ability to retain moisture and nutrients through consumption of their own feces as has been amply demonstrated time after time. This is like an in-built stillsuit and thus allows yindus to survive in dryer climes than their Chinese counterparts. Therefore, yindus have no need of luxuries such as "toilets" as their hands and mouths are their toilets. By extrapolation, then, yindus are far superior spice miners since they can surive Arakis-like environments with ease. He who controls the spice, controls the Universe. China would be wise to heed this spice-gap and train an elite cadre of Han Chinese urine-drinkers like their yindeee cousins to better take advantage of the gifts of Shai-hulud, may His passing cleanse the world.




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Bi-la kaifa.
Replying to: Yindus have a racial advantage over Chinese people. -- CrackaAssQuacka Archive

Canis Majoris

07/22/2014, 15:49:37

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Ur'StillSuite'conjecture is wrong.Its BreatharianTechnology,confirmed byDr.Dodo,
Replying to: Yindus have a racial advantage over Chinese people. -- CrackaAssQuacka Archive


07/22/2014, 02:57:04

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the prime hindu military tech agency the chicoms are so afraid of. Never mind the LCA thingie drags on forever, now bharat has somethng that shakes the world.  Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1274779/The-man-says-eaten-drunk-70-years-Why-eminent-doctors-taking-seriously.html#ixzz38CmqC4DS

"....During the 70-odd years since, Mr Jani says he has eaten not so much as a single grain of rice nor consumed a drop of water
.....On Thursday afternoon, he emerged from hospital in the Indian state of Gujarat, where he had spent 15 days. He was monitored around the clock and, according to the medics who oversaw him, consumed no food and no water whatsoever....

...Military scientists drawn from India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation believe that Mr Jani could hold the key to understanding how humans can be taught to survive for long periods without sustenance....

.....approached NASA for funds to investigate Mr Jani, claiming astronauts might benefit from the research...."


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This is better on you than any Arab garments:
Replying to: Ur'StillSuite'conjecture is wrong.Its BreatharianTechnology,confirmed byDr.Dodo, -- ChairmanMAOhamet Archive


07/24/2014, 17:59:56

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Simply amazing. If they can manage to downgrade their breathing...
Replying to: Ur'StillSuite'conjecture is wrong.Its BreatharianTechnology,confirmed byDr.Dodo, -- ChairmanMAOhamet Archive


07/22/2014, 17:32:55

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...to say, one breath every 2 years, before long, yindu corpse-moo-nauts will have claimed Mars for mother Bharat. Jai Turd!

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