

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Why I think eating dogs is wrong.


07/15/2014, 08:10:32

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First of all, I am vegetarian and I am against eating all animals but eating dogs is even more wrong.

After having been domesticated by humans a long time ago, dogs have developed a unique sense of loyalty and trust for humans which other animals have not. This sense of loyalty and trust is without conditions and sometimes it is so strong that even a human cannot match. Have we ever seen a dog desert its owner because the owner is poor or sick? Have we not seen beggars with dogs begging on the street and the dog is just content to stay with its poor owner? There are also stories about people living alone with their dogs and one day the owner dies and no one knows and the dog will stay and guard the dead owner's body for days without food until they are discovered by other people. Will a cow, a pig, a chicken or a duck do that? (I am using these four animals as examples because I can't list all animals.)

Dogs have also been used to rescue people in disasters such as earthquakes, avalanches or other natural calamities. Dogs are used to cheer up sick and elderly people as Canine Doctors. What about Seeing Eye Dogs that help blind people? Can a cow, a pig, a chicken or a duck do the same thing?

I am against eating dogs not because they are pets. People keep other animals as pets but no other pet possesses the unique characteristics that dogs have, not even the next most popular pet, the cat! Besides loyalty, dogs also unconditionally trust humans. That's why we can adopt a dog from a friend or from the SPCA. As long as we do not display hostility towards a dog, a dog will unconditionally accept us. Will a cow, a pig, a chicken or a duck do that?

When we humans kill and eat dogs, it represents our massive betrayal of the dog's loyalty and trust for us. This is absolutely immoral regardless of what culture we are talking about.

Once again, I am vegetarian and I am against eating all animals.

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Pigs can do almost anything dogs can do
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive


07/19/2014, 19:04:17

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If you're going to oppose eating dogs on a moral (as opposed to religious/cultural) basis, you can't support eating pigs at the same time. Pigs are intelligent and self-aware creatures, and they do bond with humans as dogs do. Promote vegetarianism all you want, but not dogs over pigs.

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The facts don't matter to retards, who will believe whatevr they want regardless
Replying to: Pigs can do almost anything dogs can do -- -Corsair- Archive

Canis Majoris

07/21/2014, 19:42:41

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Eating cheese is genocide! Each piece is the dead bodies of millions of organism
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive


07/15/2014, 16:00:22

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OMFG we have to stop the senseless slaughter. Bacteria are so cute and cuddly!
Replying to: Eating cheese is genocide! Each piece is the dead bodies of millions of organism -- ChairmanMAOhamet Archive

Canis Majoris

07/15/2014, 22:59:36

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Stop eating plants!
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive


07/15/2014, 15:08:15

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why are animals > plants? Plants have intelligence, are live organisms and provide oxygen, extend your same standard to plants!

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face......forever" 1984, George Orwell

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Dogs maybe our best friends but please don't expect the same thing with
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive


07/15/2014, 12:30:26

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fvkking chimpanzee.  This woman raised her chimp with all her love since it was a baby and took her chimp with her wherever she went until it turned on her one day.  My point is not to expect too much loyalty from the chimp. This is a living proof.

Click on the link if you want to see her battered face:





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Umm, no.
Replying to: Dogs maybe our best friends but please don't expect the same thing with -- Khammani Archive

Canis Majoris

07/15/2014, 12:45:25

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Charla Nash (the victim) was NOT the chimp's owner. The chimp's owner (Sandra Herold) had earlier that day given the chimp a dose of Xanax in his tea, an anti-anxiety and disinhibitionary drug that basically turned the chimp into a psychopath. The owner even hit the chimp with a shovel and stabbed him with a knife to try and get him off the victim. The chimp not only did NOT attack the owner in revenge, it apparently looked at the owner as if to question her actions.

If there is anyone to blame for the mauling, it was not chimp, it was the owner herself. You should really research this some more.

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Re: Umm, no.
Replying to: Umm, no. -- Canis Majoris Archive


07/16/2014, 00:51:54

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Re: Umm, no[Seriously, I watched the whole incident on TV .I did not
Replying to: Umm, no. -- Canis Majoris Archive


07/15/2014, 13:12:55

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You know that spider monkeys are not chimps, right?
Replying to: Re: Umm, no[Seriously, I watched the whole incident on TV .I did not -- Khammani Archive

Canis Majoris

07/15/2014, 14:09:53

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Yes, I do. I just posted it because it kindda related some how.
Replying to: You know that spider monkeys are not chimps, right? -- Canis Majoris Archive


07/15/2014, 14:12:43

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Yes, we've heard all these tired 'arguments' before.
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive

Canis Majoris

07/15/2014, 12:19:29

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First of all, that you are vegetarian does not enter into this discussion. Most of the rest of us are NOT vegetarians, so any arguments based on vegetarianism are null and void when the rest of us are discussing dog eating.

Much has been made of the supposed 'unique' characteristics of dog domestication. Before you subscribe lock, stock and barrel to these doe-eyed arguments, you should read up on the domestication of the rest of the animals we have around us. The fundamental bottom line in all cases of domestication is compatibility with humans. If you can't achieve this, you are done with that animal. Humans have tried to domesticate pretty much every animal in the animal kingdom, with varying degrees of success. Zebras are a perfect example. Horses, donkeys, even camels have been domesticated, but due to the irascible temperament of zebras, they have been extremely resistant to domestication. Rhinos, hippos, large cats like tigers and lions and other carnivores, peccaries, American bison, etc. etc., are other examples of generally undomesticable species despite persistent attempts over the last several thousand years. Their 'wildness' simply could not be bred out of them. A great discourse taking up an entire chapter on exactly this topic can be found in a book called Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. Pretty much everyone should read this book, BTW.

The supposed loyalty and trust of dogs is bred into them as they are bred into all domesticated animals. The alleged "unique" loyalty and trust of dogs is romanticized by people such as yourself but never proven to be either unique to dogs or as romantic as you portray. Horses and even camels have shown extreme loyalty to their owners but don't receive the same amount of fawning that dogs do because they're not as cute and cuddly. BTW, if you don't realize this by now, sentiment and emotion have no place in a logical, cold-hard-facts discussion, something that people who slobber over dogs like grigori cannot seem to keep separate.

"Dogs have also been used to rescue people in disasters such as earthquakes, avalanches or other natural calamities. Dogs are used to cheer up sick and elderly people as Canine Doctors. What about Seeing Eye Dogs that help blind people? Can a cow, a pig, a chicken or a duck do the same thing?"

This means what, exactly? We can train monkeys and chimps to do the same things, but what exactly about the activities that animals have been trained to perform make it immoral to eat them? If I train a pig to sniff out mines on a battlefield or plastique in a suitcase, does that somehow invalidate my desire to consume bacon? There is nothing wrong with being attached to a specific dog, such as your own pet, or your animal helper or canine doctor, or blind-eye dog. If you feel the desire to protect that animal and develop attachments to it, that is perfectly understandable and no one would question it. But you and grigori make far more grandiose claims than this, don't you? You claim that because some dogs are trained to do some things, that therefore ALL dogs deserve the credit and cannot be eaten without committing some kind of sin. Well what if some dogs cannot perform ANY of the activities you cite? What if some dogs are bred purely for their meat? Would you be ok with their consumption? If not, and I suspect neither you nor grigori would be ok with it, then the true underlying objection is NOT based on their level of 'training', but the mere act of dog consumption itself. Which means all your other arguments are just bullsh1t fluff trying to cover up and justify your basic aversion to the very thought of eating dog. This, again, is also grigori's underlying dilemma, one which he knows he cannot verbalize without immediately becoming vulnerable to charges of being called a logicless hypocrite.

"When we humans kill and eat dogs, it represents our massive betrayal of the dog's loyalty and trust for us. This is absolutely immoral regardless of what culture we are talking about."

Sheep, horses, and cattle also unconditionally trust their owners, but I don't see you shedding tears over the millions of sheep and cows killed annually for human consumption, or the millions of horses killed in Western countries like France, Italy, Canada, Australia (and other countries) annually for human consumption. In fact sheep are the absolute epitome of blind trust, which is why we use "sheep" as a pejorative when we want to insult humans if they display blind, irrational obedience to authority. Whenever we kill and eat these animals, it represents our massive "betrayal" of the sheep and cow's and horse's loyalty and trust for us. Yet I don't see you making an impassioned speech for them, or saying that it's "absolutely immoral" to eat them. Is it because they aren't cute enough for you?

The bottom line is that you really can't find any objective, unique thing about dogs that makes their consumption any more immoral than the consumption of any other animal that we normally consume. This is the exact same dilemma that grigori faces. He knows this, and that is why like a true chickensh1t coward he refuses to engage me in the details. The devil is in the details, the strength of the argument is in the details, and in this you both fail utterly.

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I humbly disagree on the bison:
Replying to: Yes, we've heard all these tired 'arguments' before. -- Canis Majoris Archive


07/19/2014, 19:06:35

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Bison aren't any more inherently antagonistic toward humans than the prehistoric aurochsen (Caesar claimed they were the size of small elephants and they were very dangerous prey for a hunter of the time, yet they gave rise to domestic cows) were, they're just too migratory in nature to be penned in large numbers without modern fences and aren't easily herded either.


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One day,some aliens from a flying saucer will have u roasted over a slow fire
Replying to: Why I think eating dogs is wrong. -- nmd Archive


07/15/2014, 08:54:53

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One dog or hog or cow has the nutrients of 100s to1000s of carrots.                              Carrot juice is Mass MURDER


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Doubt it, aliens roasting nmd would be like us roasting a filthy rat
Replying to: One day,some aliens from a flying saucer will have u roasted over a slow fire -- ChairmanMAOhamet Archive


07/15/2014, 18:07:42

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superior culinary options are abound....

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face......forever" 1984, George Orwell

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