热度 16|||
MusicAmy LowellThe neighbour sits in his window and plays the flute.From my bed I can hear him,And the round notes flutter and tap about the room,And hit against each other,Blurring to unexpected chords.It is very beautiful,With the little flute-notes all about me,In the darkness.In the daytime,The neighbour eats bread and onions with one handAnd copies music with the other.He is fat and has a bald head,So I do not look at him,But run quickly past his window.There is always the sky to look at,Or the water in the well!But when night comes and he plays his flute,I think of him as a young man,With gold seals hanging from his watch,And a blue coat with silver buttons.As I lie in my bedThe flute-notes push against my ears and lips,And I go to sleep, dreaming.=====================================(大意)音乐 (作者:Amy Lowell)邻居临窗而坐,吹奏笛子我在自己床上听到了他的演奏饱满的音符在我屋子里回旋音符交替编织出想象不到的和声在夜色里笛子的音符包裹着我感觉非常美妙白天里邻居一只手往嘴里送着面包和洋葱另一只手抄写着音乐他人既胖且秃所以我从来不正眼看他一般从他窗下急步而过我可以仰望天空或者低头看井水的呀只是,一旦夜色降临,他开始吹笛子我就把他想象成一个年轻人手上戴着有金链子的手表藏青色的大衣缀着银质的扣子每当我躺在床上笛子的音符压向我的耳朵和嘴唇每次入睡,都会做梦
宜修: 先送花。晚上回家欣赏!
宜修: 先送花。晚上回家欣赏!
宜修: 现实与梦境…
宜修: 男人也一样。切! 不过这位好物质哦!
陈营: 非常好的英文朗诵,赞一个
旭日风天: 耶,谁家玉笛暗飞声啦。
照偏天地: 真好,这个朗诵
yuki: 好声音!
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