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Because I Have You (Nerds'诗尝试)

热度 8已有 4969 次阅读2015-2-28 15:21 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:原创诗词| Because, Because, Because, Because, Because, Because

科普政治法律历史都没人看,我还是写诗吧。 Big Bang Theory   "The Romance Resonance" (S7E06) 里 Howard 给其女友写了首诗,叫 If I Didn't Have You,诗中写道 “A candle without a wick... I’d be cheese without the mac, You’re like Uranium 235 and I’m Uranium 238, Almost inseparable isotopes. ...I’d be string theory without any string....I’d be binary code without a one,” 等等。看似非常nerdy,但我用理论物理的眼光一看,发现有问题。于是赋诗应之。 作为新诗风格,英文正文之外,还加上中文伴唱。我这诗名就叫 Because I have you 好了。

Because I Have You

Ever since I saw you,
you saved my heart and came to my dream. (不愿醒)

If I were the candle and you were the wick,
you would let me burn. (心如焚)

If you were the mac and I were the cheese,
both of us would be eaten (啃啃啃)

If I were the dot and you were the com,
the bubble might burst faster than lightning. (南柯一梦)

If you were like U238 and I were U235
We could be separated by gas diffusion (气气就分)

If I were string theory, 
you would need a tenth dimension (十面玲珑)

If we were like changing electric and magnetic fields,
we would be forever after each other, chasing in vain. (累死人)

If you were the one and I was the binary code,
when you were away I would have just nothing. (只剩零)

If we were like the nerds who sang that song,
we might as well say Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam.

So, darling, let's just swim,
quark quark is beautiful singing,
close, we have freedom,
yet afar, we have confinement,
and the gluon is such a wonderful thing.

(这才 modern )


1. String theory 需要10维空间;

2 . quark,鸭子叫声。量子色动力学(QCD)表明,夸克配对之间靠得近时,彼此几乎没有约束,存在渐进自由 (asymptotic freedom)但是越拉开,吸引力不会变小,反而越大,导致无法分开,这是我们无法观察到单个的夸克的原因。QCD里的这个现象叫做 夸克囚禁 (quark confinement) 或者颜色囚禁 (color confinement) 。









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发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 旭日风天 2015-2-28 16:42
回复 木一剑 2015-3-1 00:29
not bad
回复 Cateye 2015-3-1 02:42
Really good
回复 帘卷西风 2015-3-1 10:18
回复 方枪枪 2015-3-1 10:29
quark quark is beautiful singing?
回复 岳东晓 2015-3-1 10:37
方枪枪: quark quark is beautiful singing?
指代的是鸳鸯?是指做Nerds'不如在鸳鸯池里游???????Nerds是指的原诗的诗人还是博主?????   ...
哈哈,quark 是一种基本粒子,名自鸭子的叫声吧。   鸳鸯是一种鸭子,这倒是不错。

诗的意思是,那首 If I Didn't Have You 不够Nerd,如果把那首诗的内容分析一下,将是 miserable -- might as well say Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam。

除最后一段外,前面全都是反 If I Didn't Have You 的。
回复 方枪枪 2015-3-1 13:15
岳东晓: 哈哈,quark 是一种基本粒子,名自鸭子的叫声吧。    鸳鸯是一种鸭子,这倒是不错。

诗的意思是,那首 If I Didn't Have You 不够Nerd,如果把那首诗的内 ...
这个路线不错,反正N岸N地看你热闹的人多,你封了谁,说了什么都有人关注,再把这诗一搞,扮扮样子,现在你好像搞得很popular 似的。
回复 漠孤烟 2015-3-1 13:49
   ,好玩,怎么读都像一个statememt of fact.
回复 雨柔 2015-3-3 08:11


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