

分享 Ships, Sheds and Wharves: Chinese and the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
MingHao 2023-8-28 23:23
Doug Chan https://demospectator.tumblr.com/post/726198551977263104/ships-sheds-and-wharves-chinese-and-the-pacific?fbclid=IwAR0Dkywzm33f6WHDkp1samg3uLJBBVgjeCU8aHdsK-TyIhaweK1_n5lBE0E
个人分类: 华人历史|600 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Dr. Ed Jackson
MingHao 2023-8-25 02:59
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmWRU6D98MY https://www.architecturalrecord.com/articles/6532-the-archrecord-interview-marshall-e-purnell-faia https://www.fox17online.com/news/local-news/grand-rapids/grand-rapids-native-looks-back-on-working-on-the-mlk-monument-in-dc https://www.youtube.com/watc ...
个人分类: 华人历史|825 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 最早加入美国籍,《排华法案》 取消了他国籍
MingHao 2023-8-23 09:06
https://tucsonspeaks.omeka.net/spot-01-fighting-for-citzenship?fbclid=IwAR2rxjD8g_MGx-aCzKSaK4OxSSVO_KJ07W0EoWf8yR5LJvZLNZ3_Bxl7jqQ Transcript: This is Tucson Speaks! featuring voices from the collections of the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center’s Oral History Program. I’m ...
个人分类: 华人历史|725 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 进军华盛顿
MingHao 2023-8-23 00:00
个人分类: 华人历史|562 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 北京游行-黑人民权领袖马丁·路德·金被枪杀
MingHao 2023-8-22 22:50
个人分类: 华人历史|563 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 雷宜锌雕塑家 -MLK
MingHao 2023-8-22 07:17
https://m.voc.com.cn/xhn/news/201810/14485823.html https://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2011/08/chinese-sculptor-national-malls-martin-luther-king-monument-was-discovered-s/ https://www.nps.gov/mlkm/learn/building-the-memorial.htm
个人分类: 华人历史|645 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Dr. Wei -Toisan Canyon
MingHao 2023-8-19 10:56
个人分类: 华人历史|664 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 哈佛是怎么想起来开设汉语课的呢?
MingHao 2023-8-19 10:35
https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2008/03/ko-kun-hua.html?fbclid=iwar0hfuf3hgzjjjqvb7xp0urbrdmvajniykm8zslhgirygwxi2k4lsrbt46o YALE WAS THE FIRST American college to offer instruction in Chinese, in 1877; apparently, no one signed up. The next year, a group of Boston and Salem ...
个人分类: 华人历史|691 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What WE Demand
MingHao 2023-8-18 11:05
The March on Washington was fueled by powerful demands for a brighter future! Let's revisit the specific demands of the movement: These demands were not only important for addressing immediate injustices but also laid the foundation for lasting change and progress in the fight for equality ...
个人分类: 华人历史|527 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 1870 15修正案 the Naturalization Act
MingHao 2023-8-18 07:44
On July 9, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, thus granting citizenship to everyone including formerly enslaved people, and equal protection of the laws. It became the basis for many landmark Supreme Court decisions over the years. Signed into law in 1870, the Naturalization Act ...
个人分类: 华人历史|917 次阅读|0 个评论


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