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中国的崛起 - (天空视野纪录片)China or Bust (Sky Vision Documentary) ... ... ...

热度 4已有 5294 次阅读2013-12-22 15:32 |个人分类:新闻和政治-视频|系统分类:转帖-视频| 中国的崛起, 利物浦, 超级大国, 共产主义, 如虎添翼

这些英国商人冒着一切危险,因为他们冒险进入真龙的巢穴。谁会让自己的财富,谁就会返回家中一贫如洗?托尼Caldera的靠垫业务已经毁了中国的廉价进口。如今,他的利物浦厂站冷清。有数百人在那里工作。他们都有终身职位。他们是头号垫制造商可能在欧洲。一切是在英国,生活是伟大的,他们都高兴。突然之间,中国已经到来,他们只是不能再竞争。在最后努力,以挽救他的生意,托尼走的是一条巨大的赌博。他借了2000000磅在水田在中国建厂。三十六岁的托尼已经买了单程票到临平,在中国庞大的纺织工业的心脏城市。如果一切按计划进行,托尼可以重建他的生意,重拾他的王冠靠垫之王。在他的首次中国之行,托尼曾与一个叫狄小姐的女人不期而遇。她说服了他,对于一个30%份额的公司,她会成为一个优秀的贸易伙伴。如果你打算做一些在中国的业务,你需要一个好的中国的贸易伙伴和他有一个。迪小姐一直监督工厂的建设,现已邀请托尼看到已完成的两百万英镑的建筑。但是,当他到达时,事情并不如他所料相当的好。China -- a superpower emerging at breakneck speed. It's the Holy Grail for risk-taking entrepreneurs. Every day, hundreds of British businessmen arrive full of hope and expectation. It's the land of opportunity. It's a place where dreams can come true. But Chinese entrepreneurs, unleashed after 50 years of communism, are taking no prisoners in their own relentless quest for wealth. In the wild east, only the toughest will survive.
These British businessmen are risking everything as they venture into the real dragon's den. Who will make their fortune and who will return home penniless? Tony Caldera's cushion business has been ruined by cheap Chinese imports. Today, his Liverpool factory stands deserted. There were hundreds of people working there. They all had jobs for life. They were the number-one cushion maker probably in Europe. Everything was made in England, and life was great, and they were all happy. All of a sudden, China has come along, and they just can't compete anymore.

In a last-ditch attempt to salvage his business, Tony is taking a huge gamble. He's borrowed two million pounds to build a factory in a paddy field in China. Thirty-six-year-old Tony has bought a one-way ticket to Linping, a city in the heart of China's vast textile industry. If everything goes according to plan, Tony can rebuild his business and regain his crown as the king of cushions.

On his first trip to China, Tony had a chance encounter with a woman called Miss Di. She convinced him that for a 30% share of the company, she'd make an excellent business partner. If you're going to do some business in China, you need a good Chinese business partner and he's got one. Miss Di has been supervising the construction of the factory and has now invited Tony to see the completed two-million-pound building. But when he arrives, things aren't quite as okay as he expected.








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回复 随意风 2013-12-23 19:41


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