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分享 Boston John Forbes Kerry 的豪门家族与中国渊源
MingHao 2023-7-30 02:54
John Forbes Kerry 的妈妈Resemary Forbes是美国铁路大王、慈善家和废奴主义者 福布斯(John Murray Forbes) 的嫡系重孙女,嫁给曾服务于国务院的外交家和律师Richard John Kerry。从母家而来的巨大财富让克里从小就锦衣玉食,上私立名校和结识名流属于家常便饭。 他在耶鲁大学读书时,同当时的第一夫人杰奎琳-肯 ...
788 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Omaha, St Louis 西部门户
MingHao 2023-7-28 07:04
Omaha is a city located in the state of Nebraska, USA. It is often referred to as the "Gateway to the West" due to its historical significance as a starting point for westward migration during the 19th century. The city's strategic location along the Missouri River made it an essential stop for pio ...
462 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 第一个见到乾隆皇帝的美国人
MingHao 2023-7-28 05:19
https://www.amazon.com/PHILADELPHIA-CHINA-TRADE-1682-1846-Attitudinal/dp/0271005122 Cargo Manif go Manifests and Cust ests and Custom Recor om Records from American China om American China Trade Vessels Bound for the P essels Bound for the Port of Philadelphia 1790-1840 https://scholarsarchiv ...
879 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Francis Cabot Lowell
MingHao 2023-7-28 04:32
https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2010/09/vita-francis-cabot-lowell 大罗斯福总统娶了CABOT家族女儿 first wife of President Theodore Roosevelt mother Susannah, was the daughter of Salem shipping magnate Francis Cabot Father: John, A.B. 1760 Lowell old China ...
588 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 林肯,优胜美地,socialist colony(The Kaweah Colony)
MingHao 2023-7-28 03:28
Karl MAX - General Sherman Yosemite Grant Act of 1864 https://48hills.org/2014/08/karl-marx-tree-southern-pacific-railroad-killed-socialist-colony-name-creating-yosemite-national-park/https://48hills.org/2014/08/karl-marx-tree-southern-pacific-railroad-killed-socialist-colony-name-creat ...
595 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国学者对鸦片的评价
MingHao 2023-7-27 09:09
James Connolly, Canton Captain (Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1942) https://pages.charlotte.edu/ddu2/
483 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 南京布
MingHao 2023-7-27 08:27
595 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 19世纪上海教会黃素娥父親黃光彩
MingHao 2023-7-27 00:41
https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E9%BB%83%E7%B4%A0%E5%A8%A5/17882610 Soo Ngoo Wong
547 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 纽约市每一个区的历史
MingHao 2023-7-26 02:01
646 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 搭救华人船员的 费城商人 Levi Hollingsworth
MingHao 2023-7-25 11:20
Levi Hollingsworth HOLLINGSWORTH, Levi, merchant, born in Elkton, Maryland, 29 November, 1739; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 24 March, 1824. His great-grandfather, Valentine Hollingsworth, accompanied William Penn to Pennsylvania in 1682. Levi became a merchant in Philadelphia in 17 ...
655 次阅读|0 个评论


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