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分享 Old China Trade and Newport Mansions
MingHao 2024-6-18 11:10
https://guide.ppsri.org/property/nightingale-brown-house https://privatenewport.com/newport-society-the-harold-brown-villa/ https://guide.ppsri.org/property
532 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Old China Trade by "Brown and Ives" , Brown Univ.
MingHao 2024-6-18 10:59
https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/artifact/pawtucket-bridge-and-falls-slater-mill https://www.rihs.org/collection_item/pawtucket-bridge-and-falls-2/ https://www.nps.gov/blrv/learn/historyculture/pawtucketfalls.htm https://library.brown.edu/create/firstreading2012/walking-tour-of-historic ...
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分享 Teaching the Old China Trade: A 'Glocal' Approach in Early American Travelogues
MingHao 2024-6-18 10:52
501 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Canton, Mass. And the Old China Trade
MingHao 2024-6-18 10:39
https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/2020/08/20/true-tales-china-trade/ Stories written by George T. Comeau Lemuel Fisher and Benjamin Wentworth had both served in the Revolution together. So it’s fair to say that like all veterans, they shared a common bond. After the war they both return ...
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分享 Captain Wilbur Kelly-广东贸易早期工业革命投资
MingHao 2024-6-18 10:37
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分享 美国工业革命发源地
MingHao 2024-6-18 05:34
https://blackstoneheritagecorridor-org.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto_x_tr_tl=zh-CN_x_tr_hl=en_x_tr_pto=wapp https://blackstoneheritagecorridor.org/ https://blackstoneheritagecorridor.org/exploring-the-blackstone-river-valley/new-interactive-guide/
352 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2024 TAAF Heritage Month Summit
MingHao 2024-6-18 04:26
https://www.taaf.org/event/2024-taaf-heritage-month-summit 2024 2023https://www.taaf.org/event/heritage-month-2023 https://mailchi.mp/taaf/building-power-together https://mailchi.mp/taaf/celebrating-aanhpi-heritage-month-c3e99n54d5 Leaders convene in NYC for unforgettab ...
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分享 Price of SALMON
MingHao 2024-6-18 04:12
382 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ChatGPT -为什么学哲学
MingHao 2024-6-18 00:56
Understanding philosophy is essential because it helps us explore and address fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and reality. Here’s a comprehensive look at why engaging with philosophy is valuable: * 1. Developing Critical Thinking Analytical Skills : Phi ...
336 次阅读|0 个评论

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