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How China Controlled the Coronavirus - Swoosh 08-10 04:15 | 92 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Ready to Go to War? Republicans Beat the War Drums over Taiwan - -Corsair- 08-09 20:17 | 232 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

What if the USN staged a Gulf of Tonkin-style incident in the SCS? [no text] - -Corsair- 08-09 20:03 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Superblaser is now posting on SDF as "Peter2018" [no text] - -Corsair- 08-09 19:56 | 0 bytes |   Rate

137 refit nearing completion: - -Corsair- 08-09 19:56 | 54 bytes | img   Rate

JIMMY LAI and his sons were under arrest in Hong Kong this morning - .45 08-09 16:38 | 59 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

What BLM &Antifa should do:Fat shaming&promote'Naked Athena' as Icon - Mao Clone 08-09 06:39 | 895 bytes | link   Rate

"Algorithmic Foreign Policy". China using AI for its foreign policy moves - sinbad 08-09 06:13 | 2670 bytes | link   Rate

Can someone copy&paste this for me?I can't access it - Mao Clone 08-08 18:18 | 901 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

China July rare earth exports sink to lowest since Jan 2015 - cyber horse 08-08 07:45 | 891 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Trump antagonizes GOP megadonor Adelson in heated phone call - sinbad 08-08 04:48 | 467 bytes | link   Rate

China’s Space Programs - rolf 08-07 11:58 | 85 bytes |   Rate

Bump up, 075 go on sea trial today - motif 08-04 20:40 | 445 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

The lack of Indian products that can be banned by the Chinese - superblaser 08-05 14:53 | 80 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

The economic challenge in decoupling from China - sinbad 08-06 03:17 | 2930 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Rafale vs. J-20: War of words erupts over jet fighters - sinbad 08-05 03:02 | 23.6 KB | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

"Factscheck" is Chinese not Indian: - -Corsair- 08-03 21:16 | 124 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Modi’s China headache just got bigger this week - sinbad 08-05 05:09 | 3950 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

What happens if the US unilaterally recognised Taiwan independence - -Corsair- 08-02 08:52 | 53 bytes | >> collapsed << +37   Rate

(So not just china&russ,haha)Trump said SKorea lies on COVID19 death number - Mao Clone 08-04 22:26 | 50.9 KB | link   Rate

If China were to disappear overnight, u think India can fill the gap? - sinbad 08-04 12:44 | 813 bytes | >> collapsed << +23   Rate

Charming(pianoVersion)music from avisodomite Sickfreak/Siegfried's birthdayparty - Mao Clone 08-04 06:11 | 354 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China completes typhoon observation test with large drones - Swoosh 08-03 19:11 | 53 bytes |   Rate

US administration's smash and grab of TikTok will not be taken lying down - cyber horse 08-03 17:11 | 2938 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

A piece of good news and a piece of bad news - motif 08-03 01:23 | 723 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +4   Rate

China's military reform in past 5 years - rolf 08-03 07:12 | 109 bytes |   Rate

Why America Is Afraid of TikTok - cyber horse 07-31 16:32 | 1925 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +5   Rate

China can launch nuclear counterattacks within minutes: ex-soldier - cyber horse 08-02 13:48 | 1696 bytes |   Rate

It is my opinion too - Khan 07-31 13:26 | 484 bytes | >> collapsed << link +25   Rate

A carrier based J-20? - Khan 08-02 04:10 | 295 bytes | link   Rate

PLAN more 055, 075 - motif 07-30 02:37 | 2891 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +4   Rate

China's Army Day (video) - rolf 08-01 07:53 | 103 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Is COVID19 caused by alien DNA or demonic sperm? - InTheNameOfJesus 07-30 23:14 | 1589 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

New PLA 12.7mm Heavy Machine gun for hi altitude - Mao Clone 08-01 01:55 | 9185 bytes |   Rate

PLA Day - 4,000m and above - motif 08-01 01:44 | 3952 bytes | link img   Rate

Al Kafil-1: Iraq’s New Main Battle Tank Built With Chinese Support - Mao Clone 07-28 15:10 | 20.6 KB | >> collapsed << link img +2   Rate

Hindu defense minister:India no longer a weak country&won't compromise on'pride' - Mao Clone 07-27 17:15 | 130 bytes | >> collapsed << +17   Rate

Anyone here has - Khan 07-30 05:22 | 1155 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

LDH, Father of TI, dead - motif 07-30 01:12 | 214 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China add turbo generators to warships to power high-energy weapons, state media - cyber horse 07-30 14:38 | 3306 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

TianWen is in trans-Martian trajectory&sent back Earth-Moon pic - Mao Clone 07-29 01:38 | 1711 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Intel fires Indian chief engineering officer - superblaser 07-28 10:18 | 649 bytes | link   Rate

BLM(Blacks Love/Loathe Muslims)? - Mao Clone 07-28 04:34 | 1662 bytes | link   Rate

Willy Brandt - Khan 07-27 22:37 | 574 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

US vacated Chengdu consulate: - -Corsair- 07-26 20:29 | 74 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

America's "rare earth"? - Khan 07-27 16:26 | 285 bytes | link   Rate

‘We Will Share Our Vaccine with the World.’ - Khan 07-27 13:23 | 30.1 KB | link   Rate

To Khan:Try copy,paste&open with Edge if u've problem posting - Mao Clone 07-27 01:12 | 171 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

What happens if the US pressures Taiwan to declare independence? - -Corsair- 07-25 19:31 | 424 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

What do you think of this guy's assertions? - -Corsair- 07-26 20:26 | 97 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

China just took Iran's Chabahar from India - sinbad 07-26 02:58 | 694 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Alleged 054B model: - -Corsair- 07-26 20:25 | 123 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

(UseEdge)The India-China Border Issue:Deep-Seated Racism&Happy-Smiley Hypocrites - Mao Clone 07-26 21:00 | 27.5 KB | link   Rate

Take reckless gamble, now Hindian are not allowed to return to finger 4 - motif 07-26 05:36 | 548 bytes | link img   Rate

Always rocky, China-US relations appear at a turning point - cyber horse 07-24 14:22 | 5544 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

China orders U.S. to close consulate in Chengdu - rip2 07-23 17:35 | 2356 bytes | >> collapsed << link +19   Rate

CZ-5 launch TW-1 to Mars - motif 07-23 02:30 | 1218 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +1   Rate

China's Tianwen Mars mission launched - ChairmanMaohamet 07-22 19:23 | 438 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Hehehehehe... - rip2 07-22 15:49 | 32 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

My Relatives in Wuhan Survived. My Uncle in New York Did Not. - cyber horse 07-22 09:53 | 7271 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

B4 I go on,here's a short note on optical resolution(if u've no 1st yr physics - ChairmanMaohamet 07-22 06:41 | 676 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Australian special forces shown posing with Confederate flag - rolf 07-22 00:08 | 111 bytes |   Rate

some pictures of Toronto statues and whatnot ... - cyber horse 07-20 13:38 | 3150 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +3   Rate

2020 half yr report on PRC economy - Mao Clone 07-19 14:29 | 767 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

The Laowai Bao’an - rolf 07-19 02:53 | 64 bytes |   Rate

off topic, but -- Arrests made as Toronto statues defaced during BLM protests - cyber horse 07-18 07:52 | 365 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China Is Forcing the World to Find New Ways to Deal With It - cyber horse 07-16 08:12 | 8804 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

CZ-5 for Mars mission transported to launch pad - motif 07-17 21:53 | 703 bytes | img   Rate

China prepares to launch Long March-5 rocket for Mars mission CGTN - cyber horse 07-17 18:01 | 202 bytes |   Rate

Time to Sh1t in their pants - Khan 07-17 02:25 | 2756 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Like I said b4,Trump is Agent Orange sent by Allah.Also a colleague of Bin Laden - Mao Clone 07-17 10:38 | 133.4 KB | link   Rate

Deng Xiaoping provably much responsible for famine in China from 1958-1962 - gmachine1729 07-15 21:01 | 533 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China prepares to launch Long March-5 rocket for Mars mission - motif 07-17 00:29 | 202 bytes |   Rate

LHD-6 Bonhomme Richard caught fire - motif 07-12 17:52 | 447 bytes | >> collapsed << img +20   

Jack Ma scored 30/100 on math section of humanities gaokao, or maybe even 3/100 - gmachine1729 07-11 21:31 | 184 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

I know some of you are confused by Trump... - rip2 07-14 16:30 | 926 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

J20b mass produced? - Mao Clone 07-13 12:39 | 251 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China, Iran deal eyes a future decoupled from US - cyber horse 07-11 20:01 | 6808 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

(Janes)Norinco's Sharp Claw I UGV in service with Chinese army - Mao Clone 07-12 17:50 | 2937 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Posting software problem - Khan 07-11 13:46 | 124 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

RD-93MA Engine, to Power Pakistan JF-17 Block III - motif 07-12 01:07 | 4198 bytes | link img   Rate

052DL? - Khan 07-11 04:37 | 143 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a true hero. She has to leave friends and family behind in - FactsCheck 07-10 14:52 | 377 bytes | >> collapsed << link +13   Rate

The Hindian military takes orders - Khan 07-11 13:51 | 22.7 KB | link   Rate

China's Kuaizhou-11 Rocket Fails On Maiden Launch After 3-Year Delay - FactsCheck 07-11 04:11 | 271 bytes |   Rate

White imperialists bend rules - Khan 07-10 04:51 | 608 bytes | >> collapsed << link +9   Rate

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