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PLA continues joint military exercises around TW: Y-20U refuelling J-16 vid - bomberman. 08-09 06:31 | 392 bytes | +3   Rate
  • You were here! Why can't they talk naturally? I mean, it's just a reporter, after all ROFLMAO [no text] - Canis Majoris 08-09 08:22 | 0 bytes | +1   Rate
    • I think they just read off a teleprompter, ala North Korean news anchors [no text] - bomberman. 08-09 08:36 | 0 bytes |   Rate
  • Looks like the J-16 took off with 2x PL-15, 2x PL-10 [no text] - bomberman. 08-09 06:49 | 0 bytes |   Rate

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