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热度 2已有 13453 次阅读2019-9-26 11:18 |个人分类:时事评论|系统分类:随笔评论





































美国的公务员是人民的一员, 是为人民服务的。
























American Scientific Socialism

Author: Wu Jianxun (a thinker of contemporary China)


 (1) American Scientific Socialism System

American Scientific Socialism System is a kind of socialism system that American people are masters of the country.

 (2) American People Leader System

People Leader of the United States is also called as President. Therefore, American People Leader System can also be called as American Presidential System.

American Scientific Socialism System firstly reflects in American Presidential System.

The President of the United States is a political leader elected by all American people and representing the interests of all Americans.

The People's Army of the United States owes allegiance to the entire American people. The president represents the American people as the supreme commander of the army.

Nomination of President

Three candidates will be nominated by the current president. If the current president is impeached and leave his/her position or dies, the three candidates will be nominated by the Central Committee of the ruling party.

The American “People's Party” is the ruling party of the United States, the party organization of the American Employee Class and American people.

American President Election System: The president is elected by votes from all American people and each people have one ticket. The election committee of the Senate is responsible for electing the organization. The election is divided into two phases. The first phase is that three candidates run for election and the last one is eliminated. The second phase is that the remaining two are re-elected and the winner is elected to be the president of America.

 “Senate” is the name of the National People's Congress of American Scientific Socialism.

One of the economic premises of the president's election throughout America is that American Public Economy occupy a dominant position of US economy.

Presidential Impeachment System: Whether the president meets the interests of American people, deputies to the National People’s Congress can propose impeachment proposals according to their own judgments, and then publish them through the impeachment software platform of the People's Congress. One deputy to the National People’s Congress alone can propose impeachment case, and if 10 percent of the deputies agree, the impeachment case is allowed to start. When more than 50% of deputies vote positively, the case is seen as valid for impeachment.

Presidential Inauguration: Organized by the Senate etiquette committee the inauguration is held at the White House in Washington and the new president shall make a vow to the socialist system.

 (3). Economic System

The function of the socialist system of the US economic system is divided into the dominant position of the Public Economy, the dominant position, and the Private Economy as a secondary.

The Public Economy is the economic basis for American people to own state power.

The Public Economy, the Private Economy, and the Public-Private Mixed Economy are the basic institutional economic forms of American scientific socialism.

The American economy serves the American people and is essentially the People's Economy.

Free education, free medical care, free old-age care, free public facilities, low-cost housing, and cheap public transportation are the six basic economic human rights of the American scientific socialist people.

 (4) Organization system

Each term of the Senate is five-year long, which is the same as the presidential tenure. The senator cannot be re-elected but the president can be re-elected for one time.

The US Senate can be seen as the secretary organization of the American People's Congress, who is responsible for electing the president and for legislative work.

Members of the Senate can be seen as deputies to the National People’s Congress, and in the US they are called senators. The senators are elected by all Americans.

The number of elected senators is as follows:

Firstly, the total number of capitalists is the total number of shareholders of enterprise capitalists with more than 100 employees nationwide. The proportion of this total population to the total population of the country at that time. According to this, This ratio is the ratio of capitalists to the total number of members of parliament and if the number is not a whole number, round it.

Second, officials are divided into officials of civil servant, of Government-affiliated institutions and of Public Enterprise officials. The number of elected officials is also severely restricted. How to limit it?

The number of civil servants is limited by the administrative level, that is, the number of members of the village committee in the country, plus the number of deputy chiefs, is the total number of officers of civil servants. The proportion of the total population of the country is as a percentage of the number of senators occupied by these officials. That is to say, the total number of senators multiplied by this ratio is the amount of the senators of the official, and if the number is not a whole number, round it.

Third, the ratio of the total number of middle-level and above managers in the Government-affiliated institutions to the total population of the whole country is to calculate the proportion of in-service managers in public institutions to the number of senators. If the number is not a whole number, round it.

Fourth, all the middle-level and above managers managers of the Public Enterprises are counted, and the proportion of their total number to the total population in the country is as the ratio of the number of in-service managers in the company to the number of senators. If the number is not a whole number, round it.

Fifth, the total senators number minuses the number of senators who are mentioned above is the number of senators from other people and groups.

Moreover, rules and regulations are settled for senators that disciplinary violations can be reported by the American people and punished till the senator's qualification is revoked. The Senate Procuratorate enforces the rules and regulations, publicizes details of the violations and announces the punishment results.

Civil servants in the United States are members of the people and serve them and serve the American people.

Organizations such as Senate of the US, House of Representatives under the presidential system, the administrative machineries, judicial institutions, the supervisory bodies, and the population agencies co-build the structure of American institutional framework. At the same time, corresponding administrative agencies, judicial institutions, supervisory agencies, and population agencies are also established in various places.

The People's Party of America is the organizational guarantee organized by American people and ensures American people to own state power.

The American People's Party is the only ruling party in American scientific socialism.

Basic political human right of the American people consists of freedom of speech, of publication, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration.

 (5) Thought system

Communism is the belief of American people. And the United States respects her people’s religious belief freedom.

Socialist ideology is the mainstream thinking of the American people, and different ideas are allowed for mutual discussion.

 (6) Path to the victory of the American scientific socialist revolution

Two major classes of the Capitalist Class and the Employee Class occupy the United States at this stage. The Employee Class shall strengthen the construction of Public Enterprises through revolution with a first step of obtaining the dominant position of the US public economy, and second of establishing a socialist political power. The specific measures are as follows:

First, the Employee Class is supposed to establish a political party of its own, as called as the People's Party, whose purpose is that the people be the masters of the country. In addition to the capitalists who disapprove of socialism, all American people can participate in the People's Party and be approved by the party organization. The People's Party represents the interests of the vast majority of the American people, except those capitalists who do not approve of socialism, of course. That is to say, all American civil servants, militaries, judicial personnels, corporate employees, teachers, students and other people who support socialism are brothers of the American Employee Class.

The only one enemy of the American Employee Class is “the American capitalist who opposes American scientific socialism”.

After the American scientific socialist regime was acquired, the Employee Class was renamed the American people. Those “former enemy of the Employee Class” that have been transformed to legally recognize the American scientific socialist system have also become the people. However, those who do not repent and who still do not approve of scientific socialism in the United States will become the enemies of the American people. They can also be called the opposition class. These people can still live and work in the United States, but are excluded from the mainstream socialist politics.

Second, the People's Party is supposed to actively develop and grow to become the largest party in the United States.

Third, the People's Party is supposed to unite and lead the Employee Class to actively participate in the US presidential election under the leadership of the chairman of the party, gain the support of the majority of the American people, and obtain presidential power. The party chairman is supposed to became the president of the United States.

Fourth, active development to American Public Enterprises by relying on the president is required, so that the Public Economy occupy a dominant position of US economy. of US economy, making the US Private Economy a secondary position.

Fifth, the People's Party is supposed to actively revolutionize, unite and be willing to engage in socialist capitalists. The essence of Senate is supposed to be transformed to what of National People's Congress, with its name still being “Senate”.

Sixth, the People's Party is supposed to actively revolutionize and transform the House of Representatives into a partisan political consultation venue for the parties out of power participating in the administration of state affairs. The name of the “House of Representatives” remains unchanged, though it has actually become a political consultative body.

Seventh, the People's Party is also supposed to prepare for armed struggle. Once the “peaceful revolution” fails, seizing the capitalist regime and establishing a socialist political power in the armed revolution are seen as necessaries.

Eighth, the army, which is the army of the people, is under the management of the president.

Ninth, the establishment of the People's Republic of America.

Tenth, the People's Republic of America is a scientific socialist country.

 (This article is slightly revised and modified based on “American Scientific Socialist System”, the Chapter 17, Section 6 of Human Society and Its Economics”, which is one of Wu Jianxun's trilogy of his masterpiece “Thoughts are Thinking”. Why the article needs modification? This is because the Section 4, which is the premise, in front of the Section 6 has been devoted to the "socialist system". Some contents that need to be added in play a significant role in transferring it into another individual topic about “American scientific socialism”. Section 5 is Chinese scientific socialism and Section 7 is Russian scientific socialism.)









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