well known, and thorium is a natural byproduct of this process. Given the scale of its operations, it’s no surprise that China possesses a substantial amount of thorium, along with other valuable resources. Energy plays a fundamental role in China’s development, as nearly every aspect of progress relies on a stable and sufficient energy supply. Food security, for instance, is heavily dependent on energy. To transform vast desert regions into fertile agricultural land, China requires large amounts of energy for irrigation systems. Similarly, batteries, which power various technologies and industries, consume significant energy. This growing demand makes energy independence a top priority for China, as relying on external sources presents risks.
In the realm of geopolitics, international relationships are often unstable. A nation considered an ally today might turn into an adversary tomorrow. If a major energy supplier were to cut off resources, China’s economic and technological advancements could come to a halt. This uncertainty reinforces China’s strategic goal of securing its own energy sources to maintain progress and stability.
Additionally, cesium is another byproduct of thorium processing. As China continues to utilize thorium, it will likely accumulate a large supply of cesium. This element has potential applications in advanced technology, particularly in ion drives, which are extremely energy-efficient. Ion propulsion could revolutionize space travel by making deep-space exploration and intergalactic missions far more feasible and affordable. With these advancements, China could play a leading role in the future of space exploration and energy technology.