055 and 054B.

052D 163.


054B 545.

003 preparing for the 7th sea trial.

003 conducted EMAL launch of a red test vehicle.

093B 2 x 12 VLS
Two set of VLS onboard 093B.

093B spotted.

Exercise to the east of TW mid Feb
Seven PLAN ships entered W. Pcific for exercise involving LHD and LHA to the east of TW.

075 33 speeding.

Laser CIWS onboard 071 986.

075 33.

052D 155 and 134.

054A 570 and 530.

Type 901 replenishment ship 886.

071 exercise with WZ-10 and Mi-171

WZ-10 landed onboard 071.

Tour around Australia end of Feb
055 107 and 054A 568 tour around Australia.

If a 052D joined, 055 + 054A + 052D would have 208 VLS, on par with the total VLS onboard entire Australian navy.

Related link: PLAN SSN/SSBN pix and commemoration of Huang Xuhua