The J-36 3601 (?) prototype/technology demonstrator was photographed over Chengdu during its maiden flight on December 26, 2024. It was first rumored in late 2018 that the 611 Institute had started to develop key technologies for the 6th generation fighter which was expected to enter the service in late 2020s. A satellite image released in October 2021 suggested a full-scale mockup of a technology demonstrator had been built at CAC, showing a tailless diamond wing configuration. As the first 6th geneation stealth moltirole figter to have successfully flown, J-36 features a unique tri-engine configuration with two Caret engine intakes located underneath the wings and a third dorsal DSI intake behind the cockpit. The engines were speculated to be three WS-15 turbofans. However currently it is unclear that whether they are equipped with TVC nozzles or not. Therefore J-36 is capable of not only super-cruise, but also flying at a maximum speed beyond Mach 2 with all three engines in full afterburning. The aircraft also features a sharp tailless diamond wing configuration with two LEXes extended all the way to the nose, without any vertical or horizontal stabilizers. This suggests that J-36's aerodynamics has been optimized not only for reducing RCS, but also for high speed flight. Consequently J-36 features an advanced flight control system with complicated control surfaces along the trailing edges of the diamond wings, including four pairs of split drag rudders at the wingtips and two large main landing gear doors in order to maintain stability at a low speed during the landing. Compared to the chasing J-20S during the maiden flight, J-36 appears to be a large and heavy aircraft with ample internal space for fuel and weapons, as suggested by its twin nose wheels and tandem main wheels. A large internal weapons bay can be seen between the main landing gear compartments, which could house a variety of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons including PL-17 VLRAAMs or KF-98A ALCMs. Consequently it is expected to fly different missions as a long-range interceptor or as a high-speed fighter bomber penetrating deep into the enemy air space. The emergence of J-36 represents China's ambition to gain air dominance over the western Pacific. It is likely to tip the balance in the reginal air power.
- Last Updated 12/26/24