Just like the US is too close to Israel for its own good, Europe is also too close to the US for its own good. So close that they begin to think that what is good for the US is always good for Europe. To make matter worse, the elites Europeans can easily migrate to the US whenever they want to or after they retire from public office or their professional jobs, and many did migrate.
I remember what Kishore Mahbubani once said. He said that if Europe really care about its future, then Europe should work with China and encourage China to invest in Africa, to make Africa prosper. Africa is probably the only continent where the demographic is expected to continue to rise in the future, and if they can't find jobs, they will flood the European countries as refugees. Instead, Europe buy American's yellow peril theory, that China is in Africa to eat European lunches, and work with America to counter China's presence in Africa, even though we already see African migrants flooding European countries en masse. Those Africans won't flood the US for obvious reasons.