explosions in the indian navy;
link:2 killed by gas leakage in Indian aircraft carrier | The Seattle Times .....June 10, 2016
"...NEW DELHI (AP) — An Indian navy sailor and a civilian worker were killed Friday by a toxic gas leak in the sewage plant on board India’s sole aircraft carrier, a navy spokesman said.
Capt. D.K. Sharma said the Russian-built “INS Vikramaditya” carrier has been undergoing maintenance work at a naval base in southern India. There was no other damage to the carrier..."
link: Ammunition, boilers or septic tanks? Analysis of the cause of the explosion of the Indian destroyer "Ranville" - laitimes
"...In 2008, the second-hand dock landing ship "Galashwa", which India purchased from the United States, caused a biogas explosion due to the fact that the septic tank of the toilet had not been cleaned for too long, and the fire control measures were not in place, resulting in six deaths..."
"..The analysis has reached the point where the cause of the explosion of the "Ranville" has been revealed, that is, the septic tank explosion, and the Indian destroyer has once again been severely damaged by its own toilet..."