Maybe should have waited till SZ-15 launched when six person are onboard the CSS. Oh well, can't wait.
TG-1 is the "first" Chinese space station, although for experimental purpose such as testing docking technology. It looks very much like a Tianzhou cargo spacecraft and was launched by CZ-3B on Sep 29, 2011.

SZ-11 and TG-2 on Oct 23, 2016. TG-2 is the "second" Chinese space station, still testing technology. Although I think it's mostly a backup of TG-1.

Tianhe core module.

It carry with it the 10 m long heavy lift (25 ton capacity) robotic arm.

The three rockets used in CMSA manned space programe, CZ-5B to launch core and lab modules, CZ-7 to launch TZ cargo spacecraft, CZ-2F to launch SZ manned spacecraft.

SZ-12 approaching the Tianhe core module in Jun 17, 2021.

SZ-12 crew greetng in Tianhe core module, they stayed for half the duration of 3 months in the CSS.

SZ-13 approaching Tianhe core module with TZ-2 and TZ-3 cargo space craft docked.

SZ-13 crew in Tianhe core module, they stayed the full duration of 6 months in the CSS.

TZ-4 approach the lonely Tianhe core module.

Wentian lab module.

It carry with it a 5 m high precision robotic arm.

Wentian lab module weighs around 23 tons.

WT lab module approaching TH core module.

Tianhe + Wentian CSS before the transposition.

SZ-14 crew greetings in Wentian lab module.

Cascaded robotic arm. They should have used the cascaded arm to take a good selfie everytime there's a configuration change.

After installing the panoramic camera B during SZ-14 second space walk.

Transposition of Wentian lab module on Sep 30, 2022.

CSS in L-shaped form.

Mentian lab module also weighs around 23 tons.

Mengtian lab module.

MT lab module approaching L-shaped CSS, as seen from both side.

Mentian lab module transposition on Nov 5, 2022.

SZ-14 crew congratulate PLAAF day on its 73th anniversary. As of batch 2, all Taikonauts are from PLAAF. I think since this has sleeping cabin, it's still in WT lab module.

SZ-14 crew greeting in Mengtian lab module.

CSS as seen by TZ-4 leaving CSS.

TZ-5 payload capacity surpasses 5 tons, in comparison to TZ-1's 4 tons and TZ-2's increase to 4.8 tons. The latest revelation is TZ-6 will have further payload increase by 500 kg to 5.5 ton. At 300 kg per m3, the space in TZ-5 is 16.67 m3, and TZ-6 will reach 18.33 m3.

TZ-5 approaching the CSS, TH core module no longer lonely.

Xuntian telescope, the last piece of the puzzle to be launched in 2023.

Tianhe core module and its backup. It's pretty much confirmed the backup will be launched some time in future to expand CSS from T shape to 十 shape.