Xi and central committee members looking at the CZ-9. Look at the panel, the CZ-9 has the Mars as its background, while the CZ-5 has the moon as its background.

Long March rocket family in Zhuhai. Note the relative size of CZ-9 and CZ-5.

10 m fairing test production. CZ-9 is still in the preliminary stage, so most related technology are still under R&D, testing or trial production. CZ-9 has been conceptualized for almost a decade already, work on major technology it require has been undergoing, for instance the three type of engine it needed.

Three configuration: CZ-9, CZ-9A, CZ-9B, payload self explanatory.
Stage 1 use 4 x YF-130, 4800 kN class engine.
Booster stage use 2 x YF-130 each.
Stage 2 use 2 x YF-90, 2200 kN class engine.
Stage 3 use 4 x YF-79, 25 ton class engine.

Don't have YF-79 pix, but for a 25 ton engine, it shouldn't be a major challenge. This is the 50 ton YF-77 used in CZ-5 first stage.

YF-77 testing.

220 ton YF-90 testing.

480 ton YF-130

YF-130 testing.

This year we may see YF-90 and YF-130 full engine test.

The CZ-9 project may officially kick off in the first half of this decade, i.e. around 2025, pending the result of engine tests. The first flight probably at the end of this decade, i.e. around 2028-2030. The Mars sample return mission may utilise the CZ-9, in which case, the window is either 2028 or 2030.