Well, the Chang'e 5 mission has a launch date in Nov 24, 2020. The Yuanwang ship has been dispatched to ferry the CZ-5 Y-5 rocket to Wencang around the beginning of this month.

As the Chang'e 5 mission is to return moon rock sample, it's a short mission lasting around 3 months. Chang'e 6 is a repeat of Chang'e 5 mission, but it's scheduled to carry out after Chang'e 7, which is planned around 2023, both of which will be targeting the lunar polar region. Chang'e 7 will carry a new relay satellite, a small hopping detector aside from lander and rover.

Comparing Chang'e 7 to Chang'e 5.

Chang'e 8 is planned around 2027, it will carry out experimental construction on the lunar surface, testing technology required to construct a lunar base in the future.

Chang'e mission planned schedule.

CZ-9 has not been officially started yet, its scheduled around 2030. Before that, there're plan to use the mature YF-120 engine to build a new rocket around 2025, code named project 921, featuring three core stage in the vein of Delta/Falcon Heavy. It'll be a high reliability rocket that target launch of manned spacecraft and manned lunar mission.

Initial concept of the manned lunar mission using the 921 rocket.