

07/07/2012, 00:30:33
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if it can ease israeli govt military tech transfer n sales restriction....then still ok....






Dalai BinShaitan 
07/06/2012, 23:05:35
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I read he survived eating chocolate cakes laced with enuff cyanide to kill a horse, shot repeatedly, still not dead, then thrown into a river.
I also heard that taking poison in small dose can build resistance to that poison; is that true?.
I think a movie story plot can go like this:
Rasputin was in fact jesus’s reincarnation. But in his second coming on a mission to save the world from a world war, he was corrupted by satan.
How did it happen?
incidentally we know from the bible that wasn’t satan’s first attempt,
and satan apparently had that power and jesus also had his free will to choose.
First attempt, Mathew 4:8-10(Apparently satan back then wasn’t much of a tempter)
“…Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve…”
During Jesus/rasputin’s second coming, lucifer the liberal commie temptress(I always believe lucifer is a beautiful woman because patriarchal judeo-christianity is the sworn enemy of earlier matriarchal goddess worship and labels it evil)showed him all the sexy women in the harems of the world’s palaces(or images of miss universe pageants to come) and promised jesus/rasputin the prodigious sex prowess Rasputin was so known for
. Jesus/rasputin yielded to the temptation of the devil’s sex revolution ,subsequently became a whoremonger and subverted Christian russia.
Jesus became a sacrificial lamb on Satan’s altar of communism/liberalism
Rasputin and jesus had similar power:
Both had visions/callings
Both were healers
Both had their followings and were called messiah by some
Both had ‘supernatural power’ and could overcome death in their own ways
Hold your breath and wait for his 3rd coming
(Good and evil are twin brothers, one can’t be manifested without the other)



Dalai BinShaitan 
07/08/2012, 04:37:31
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and I don't think he was so ignorant of the cyanide chemistry.
No, the material I read didn't say Yusupov was a fag.
The russian fags I did some reading on are diaghilev, nijinsky and the most famous of them all, Peter Tchaikovsky
IMO,The reappearance of Rasputin's member in california could be a 'divine' miracle parallel to the possession of jesus's foreskin claimed by a number of european churchs


07/08/2012, 00:47:47
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was supposed to have been found in a storage locker in a California city less than one hours drive from my current location. This created a minor stir in the local media, until a short time later pathologists announced it was actually a DRIED SEA CUCUMBER.
I fear the wrath of the mods, so I will not mention what organ it was, but another alleged discovery of this famous part turned out to be the siphon of a geoduck (I believe you Cantonese call geoducks "elephant nose clams" or something) that had been pickled in a jar of alcohol.
At any rate, Rasputin could not possibly be Jesus. Jesus appears in all sorts of things, from tortillas to tree stumps, but so far Rasputin has only appeared in seafood.
