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热度 5已有 15115 次阅读2012-8-3 18:26 |个人分类:中美关系|系统分类:【文队】-文章| 华盛顿, , 中国

    (中央社记者刘坤原华盛顿十二日讯)美国华盛顿邮报今天发表一篇题为“无耻的中国”(Brazen China)社论,谴责中国使用两面手法,一面与台湾进行修好动作,一面又制订反分裂法,为入侵台湾建立法源。而就在此时,以法国及德国为首的欧盟却积极运作,企图恢复对中国军售,实在是完全不负责任的行为。


     社论说,反分裂法就是以法律规定,如果台湾的作法不符合中国的政治要求,中国就依法攻击台湾。而最重要的政治要求之一,就是要求民主选出的陈水扁放弃他主要政纲之一的修宪。 (博讯 boxun.com)





    社论最后指出,正当独裁的中国政府以实际行动公开地重申其发动战争的决心的时候,以法国及德国为首的欧盟却不理会布什总统和美国国会的警告,一心只想赶快解除对中国军售的禁令。他们不思协助美国维持亚洲和平,也无视于一个独裁政权正式表明将侵略一个民主政权,他们在乎的只是自己狭窄的贸易利益。总而言之,那是一个完全不负责任的政策。 (博讯 boxun.com)









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回复 楚楚 2012-8-3 18:45
回复 wx1wx2 2012-8-3 18:55
楚楚: 扔《华盛顿邮报》100个鸡蛋!!
回复 №½㎡ 2012-8-3 22:34
Brazen China

Saturday, March 12, 2005; Page A18

PERHAPS CHINA'S Communist leadership was worried that the world would get the wrong idea from the recent flurry of conciliatory gestures and concessions it has exchanged with the government of Taiwan -- steps that have suggested the possibility of a civilized and peaceful rapprochement between the neighbors. In any case, President Hu Jintao has now made clear that Beijing's policy of openly threatening Taiwan with a war of aggression remains intact. The centerpiece of this month's meeting of the rubber-stamp National People's Congress is "anti-secession" legislation that legally binds China to attack the island -- a move that likely would mean a military conflict with the United States -- if it fails to meet China's political demands. Chief among these is that Taiwan's democratically elected president, Chen Shui-bian, drop one of the central planks of his platform, which is reform of Taiwan's constitution.

Mr. Chen hasn't taken any steps toward the constitutional reform, which in any case would be largely cosmetic. Since suffering defeat in a legislative election in December, he has been reaching out to China; he even struck a deal with a pro-Beijing opposition leader in which he pledged to work to relax investment and transport restrictions and reiterated promises not to seek independence for Taiwan. Mr. Hu's answer is to mandate, by law, that peaceful democratic political activity on Taiwan trigger invasion by China. This extraordinary bellicosity is backed up by deeds: Last week Beijing announced a 12 percent increase in its defense budget, continuing years of double-digit growth that have made it the largest military spender in the world after the United States. In recent years the buildup has been designed to prepare for an invasion and to repel U.S. forces that might seek to intervene. Hundreds of missiles have been deployed within range of Taiwan, and new surface ships and submarines have been purchased from Russia.
In sum, a totalitarian Chinese government has openly renewed its resolve to wage war and is working hard to acquire the means to do so. Which brings us to the European Union, which is preparing to lift its embargo on arms sales to China despite appeals and warnings of the Bush administration and Congress. France and Germany -- fierce opponents of military force when used by the United States against a vicious dictator -- remain eager to sell weapons systems to a regime that has formally committed itself to aggression against a democracy. Rather than joining with the United States to help keep the peace in Asia, they would cater to the country that promises to break it. In effect, the Europeans place their own narrow commercial interests -- which they pursue in competition with U.S. companies -- above security cooperation with their NATO ally. It is a grossly irresponsible policy.
回复 绛紫湮 2012-8-4 01:11
回复 wx1wx2 2012-8-4 04:38
绛紫湮: 小小环球几只苍蝇
回复 深海孤帆 2012-8-4 05:44


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